Chapter 13

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Person: Andrea Herrera, won't you introduce me to your new boyfriend?

Andy was startled to hear that voice. Her dating was secret and she had been discovered.

When she looked back, she saw Peter, an old friend from high school. They hadn't seen each other in years.

Andy: Peter?! How long have I not seen you?!

She hugged her friend and felt relieved because Peter didn't have any closeness with her father or other friends at the station.

Andy: Peter, this is Robert. Robert, this is Peter, an old friend from school.

Robert: Nice to meet you.

Peter: My wife is sitting next to the restaurants. Would you agree to join us for lunch together.

Andy looked at Robert not sure whether or not he would like to share some of their moments with others. He soon understood her uncertainty and replied:

Robert: Of course we accepted the invitation.

They had lunch together and Andy was happy to see her old friend again. Despite the long years without seeing him, she had never forgotten that friendship.

When Peter and his wife left, Andy and Robert went to the movies. They chose a thriller movie.

Robert put his arm around Andy's shoulders, pulling her close. She rested her head on his shoulder, staying that way throughout the movie.

They returned to the hotel after a long day of having fun. They were tired and decided to go to sleep as Andy had to work the next morning.

Andy wore a comfortable nightgown and Robert only a pair of shorts. They lay hugging each other while caressing each other's bodies, trying to fall asleep. But predictably, they didn't just resist touching and kissing. Soon, Andy lay on top of Robert and started kissing him all over his body. His broad shoulders and well-defined chest were the parts she liked best. Meanwhile, Robert ran his hands over Andy's thighs and ran his caresses along her body, under her nightgown.

Andy lifted her torso, kneeling around Robert so she could remove her nightgown. Robert couldn't resist seeing her naked over him. Then he reversed positions. He removed his shorts and laid them on top so they could connect in the most intimate, loving way they could.

Despite the obvious difference in size between them, when they were in their most intimate moments, they were the perfect fit of their bodies. It was as if they were born for each other.

It was a quick night of lovemaking, but enough to make them sleep happily and have sweet dreams.

On Monday, Andy had to work. So she got up early and prepared for a long 24-hour shift that awaited her.

As the hotel was only a few blocks away from the station, she chose to walk and leave her car in the hotel parking lot, so Robert would have a vehicle in case he wanted to go out during the day.

She left the key on the table along with a card:

"I'm leaving the car keys in case you want to go for a walk. I'll be back tomorrow to see you. I don't know how I'm going to endure a whole day with you so close and not being able to see you. I love you."

She went to the edge of the bed, kissed him on the cheek and left. He was in such a deep sleep, he didn't notice.

When Robert woke up, he saw the card and agreed with Andy. It would be very difficult to know that she was so close, but that they couldn't meet.

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