Chapter 67

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Robert and Andy returned to the hotel after spending a few hours in Central Park. Robert knew Andy hadn't slept well the night before and so he suggested that she take the rest of the afternoon off to rest.

Robert: You should try to get some sleep. Later we can go out to dinner, but it would be nice if you could rest. Last night you stayed up because of the anxiety that you were going to come to New York.

Andy: I'm really really tired. I'm going to try to get some sleep.

While Andy was changing her clothes, she saw Robert taking his laptop.

Andy: Aren't you going to sleep too?

Robert: I need to type up a department document. But don't worry, I'm sleepless. The important thing is that you rest.

He went to his wife and gave her a kiss.

Andy then laid down on the bed and closed her eyes to try to get some sleep. Robert returned to his work on the laptop, but always watching to see if Andy needed him. In the first few minutes everything seemed fine, but the truth was that the longer she stayed still and silent, the more Andy's head began to formulate hypotheses and questions about everything she heard from her mother. She couldn't sleep and so she started moving in bed. Robert soon noticed and went to his wife. He hugged her and asked:

Robert: Are you okay?

Andy: My mind doesn't stop. I can not sleep. I keep creating questions in my head all the time. I'm wondering if my dad ever saw my mom after she left home. I'm wondering if she regrets what she did. I'm wondering where my uncles and cousin are. So many doubts came to me.

Robert: I can't answer any of those questions for you. But tomorrow, when we meet with your mother, ask her these questions. Don't be in any doubt.

Andy: And in the meantime, I'm going to have to keep my mind racing.

She said it in a sad and desperate way that broke Robert's heart.

Robert: I had an idea. Wear comfortable clothes and we're going out.

Andy: Where are we going?

Robert: Trust me.

Andy: I do, but don't you have to do your job for the department?

Robert: It's not that important. Let's go. Time to leave.

They then changed their clothes and left the hotel. Robert took Andy to an amusement park.

Robert: You need to distract your mind. Need to have some fun. It needs adrenaline. I think this is the ideal place.

Andy loved the idea. Soon they went on a roller coaster. The adrenaline coursing through them made Andy's mind relax. Then they went to other extreme rides and they were both having a great time. In the break between one of the rides, Robert bought Andy some cotton candy and they sat on a bench to eat the candy.

Andy: You had the best idea ever. I feel so much better now.

Robert: We'll only go back to the hotel when you're really tired, that way you'll sleep easier.

Andy: Maybe we should save some energy to keep playing in the hotel. I think you know the perfect formula to make me relax and fall into a deep sleep.

With the seductive way Andy said those words, Robert couldn't resist the urge to kiss her right away.

Robert: I will always have the energy to satisfy you.

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