Chapter 87

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When he saw who called him, he was scared. It was a familiar face, but one he hadn't seen in many years. That person brought Robert some unexpected news. He didn't know how to react to the news, but he knew he couldn't ignore it. That news stuck in his mind and he was sure he would continue thinking about it for a long time to come.

When Robert picked Andy up from her parents' house, he was quieter and more thoughtful. Andy noticed that her husband looked different and didn't fail to comment on it while they were in the car heading home.

Andy: Is everything okay?

Robert: I'm fine, yes.

Andy: You look different. When you dropped me off at my parents' house, you were more communicative. Is there a problem with the Department?

Robert: There's nothing going on. I'm just tired. Do not worry about me.

Andy: I already asked you not to be strong because of me. I know it's been tiring for you as much as it is for me. If you want to talk, I'm here to listen.

Robert: I know my love. I know you're always there for me when I need it most, but I really have nothing to say right now.

Andy: okay.

Andy knew there was no point in insisting, as he wouldn't say anything, but she was still worried about him.

The next morning, Andy and Robert went to Grey Sloan again. Robert stayed at the hospital for a few minutes, but unlike previous days, he had to leave Andy alone for a few hours.

Robert: My love, I'm going to need to go away for a while, but I promise I'll be back as soon as possible.

Andy: Robert, you've been acting strange since yesterday when you returned from the Department.

Robert: I'm just trying to organize this new routine between work tasks and hospital visits.

Andy still found Robert's way of saying things a little unusual, but she accepted his argument.

Robert: I won't be long. Take care.

Andy: Okay. I'll be fine.

He kissed his wife on the cheek and gave his daughter one last caress before he left.

Upon leaving Grey Sloan, Robert returned home to guide Lucas on what Jade's room would be like. What he didn't expect was that Vic had enlisted the entire 19 team to help. So when he arrived at his house, he found a larger group of friends than he imagined and everyone was excited to make the room beautiful.

Robert: Guys, I can't thank you enough for what you're doing for us.

Vic: We are a family. We don't have the same blood, but we are like brothers.

Lucas: And the more people are helping, the faster we'll finish. That way we won't bother Andy when she returns.

Robert: I'm really grateful for that.

Robert explained how Andy had dreamed up the room and soon everyone got to work. While Travis, Dean and Ben were painting and putting paper on the walls, Vic, Lucas and Jack were putting together the crib and wardrobe. Maya and Carina took all the clothes that the baby had received to be washed so that when the wardrobe was ready, they could organize it, leaving everything ready and sanitized for Jade's arrival.

Robert left his friends at his house and left. Before returning to Grey Sloan, he needed to go somewhere to resolve an issue with his past. He did it as quickly as he could and was soon back at the hospital to be close to the two most important people in his life.

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