Chapter 71

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When Andy opened the drawer, she was startled by what she saw. She didn't want to believe she'd made such a mistake. Then, without thinking, she soon shouted:

Andy: I can't believe I did that. No... This can't be happening.

Robert was startled by what she said and approached her to find out what was going on.

Robert: What happened?

Andy was nervous. Her thoughts were racing and it was as if her entire future was flashing through her mind in a fraction of a second. She tried to formulate a response for Robert, but she just couldn't.

Andy: I... I... I shouldn't have done that... I'm irresponsible.

Robert: Calm down. I do not understand anything. What's in that drawer that made you like this?

Andy: The pills... I haven't taken them since the day I discovered my mother's letters. And worst of all, I'm in my fertile week. I was irresponsible. I was so preoccupied with everything that was going on that I just forgot. I didn't drink them here at home, I didn't take them to New York and I didn't drink them at the station after we arrived. Only now am I opening that drawer and seeing that I haven't taken the contraceptive pill for several days.

Robert: My love, is that all? Look, we're married, there's nothing wrong with you getting pregnant.

Andy couldn't believe that Robert was calm in the face of such a big problem for her.

Andy: Robert, can't you see how much trouble there is behind this? I became captain recently.

Andy was pacing the room, completely confused and desperate. Robert realized that she was really angry about the situation and he just wanted to calm her down. He walked over to where she stood, held her tight, forcing a sincere look between them. He knew this was a technique that always worked to calm her down. Then, looking into his wife's eyes, he said:

Robert: Well, let's do this, you make an appointment with Carina tomorrow and we'll know exactly what the chances are that you got pregnant and how you should proceed from now on.

A little calmer, Andy replied:

Andy: You're right. Tomorrow morning I will go to Carina, even before going to the station. Only she will be able to clear all my doubts.

Robert hugged her and she began to calm down in his arms. Noticing that she was calmer, he went back to kissing her and more and more he left kisses on the points that ignited her desire too, because he knew that sex was something she wanted minutes before and it would also be a good way to relax her.

Robert: In the meantime, let's continue what we were going to do. I'm curious to know what you had so excitedly fetched from that drawer.

Andy was more relaxed and began to give in to the teasing that Robert made on her body. She was also in the mood to have sex with him.

Andy: You want to know what's in that drawer? Maybe I'll have some props so we can have some fun tonight. I bought them a few weeks ago and we still haven't had the right time to debut them.

Robert got even more excited hearing this and again deepened a kiss on his wife. Andy however was still worried and then said:

Andy: Take the condom. If I haven't gotten pregnant, I want to avoid getting pregnant from now on.

Robert: I don't have any condoms.

Andy: Really? Robert... how come you don't have any condoms?

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