Chapter 12

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As time passed, the longing again began to tighten.

Robert longed to see Andy beyond the screen. To be able to touch her hair and feel her lips next to his. Andy was the only person in his life that mattered and that distance was hurting.

But he was afraid to go to Seattle. The memory of everything he had lived through the last few days he lived in that city hurt him. Despite loving Andy intensely, he still missed Claire. Many times he still cried for her death, not only because of the longing, but also because he felt guilty.

He felt guilty for not getting to the hospital with her in time. He felt guilty for not being able to stop his best friend and co-worker from giving Claire Amiodarone, even though he knew she was allergic. He had saved so many lives and failed to save his own wife, the one he had sworn to love and protect until the end of their lives.

But it wasn't fair for Andy alone to sacrifice herself by going to meet him in Montana. He needed to face the fear. He knew that one day, who knows, he would have to have the courage to move back to Seattle and live with Andy. And he had to get used to the idea little by little.

Robert talked to his superior and got a free weekend to go to Seattle. As soon as he got permission, he called Andy, eager to break the news.

Robert: Hi my love!

Andy: So good to hear from you. It's all right?

Robert: I'm great. I'm calling you because I have news for you.

Andy: I'm already curious. Say it soon.

Robert: I got a few days off work. I get to go to Seattle next weekend.

Andy: That's wonderful. Oh Robert! I am so happy. I miss you so much.

Robert: I can't wait to get there and have you close to me.

Andy: And how do we do it? I cannot receive you in my house. I live with my father.

Robert: I'll be staying at a hotel in the Station 19 area. That way, whenever you're free from work, you can come meet me. And, if you can find a reason to sleep out your house, it will be wonderful.

He said it in his seductive voice. That tone of voice Andy would never resist or say no to. But he didn't even need to make that request, obviously she would find a way to sleep with him and be together as much of the time as possible.

Andy: Of course I'll arrange to sleep at the hotel with you and we'll be together in all my spare moments. I'm already looking forward to seeing you.

At that moment Andy realized someone was nearby, but she didn't hang up the call until they could say good-bye properly.

Robert: I'm also looking forward to it and missing you so much. But now I'm going to need to hang up so we can continue our work. I love you.

Andy lowered her voice a little and said:

Andy: I ​​love you too

As soon as Andy ended the call, she saw that Travis was nearby and asked her who she was talking to.

Travis: Hum! Won't you tell your friend who you said you're looking forward to seeing?

Andy: I ​​won't say anything. There's nothing I'm ready to talk about right now.

She left leaving Travis curious to find out who the mysterious person his friend was talking to was.

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