Chapter 8

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Pruit: What are you doing on my computer?

Andy was startled to realize that she was discovered using her father's computer. She had to come up with an excuse quickly.

Andy: Sorry daddy. I had forgotten to send one of my reports for the week. I know you will be angry, but I sent it through your system.

Pruit: Andy, you know these reports can't be sent late. I hope this doesn't happen again or I will have to punish her like the other team members.

Andy: It won't happen anymore. I'm sorry daddy.

Andy had never forgotten a single report, so she knew her father would forgive her for having no precedent.

She gave her father a kiss and went home.

Upon arrival, she immediately showered and dressed in a floral dress; she put on earrings and necklace; and did light makeup. Then, she opened the food app on her cell phone and chose Risotto with shrimp, as she remembered that it was the dish served at the Closing Ball, the day they had their first kiss. She placed the order at a Montana restaurant and requested delivery to Robert's address at 7pm.Then she chose the same dish for herself at a Seattle restaurant, but asked to have it delivered 15 minutes early.

While she was waiting for the delivery, she prepared the table. When her food arrived, she started a video call with Robert. He was in his bed reading a book, wearing only a pair of shorts, no shirt on. He was aware that Andy wanted to talk to him, but he didn't think it would be by video call.

When he saw her, he felt his heart speed up. She was beautiful and had a sweet smile.

Robert was a little embarrassed that he wasn't wearing a shirt.

Robert: I'm surprised by your call. Sorry, I wasn't waiting for a video call and I didn't dress properly.

Robert was going to walk towards the wardrobe to get a shirt, but Andy was liking what she saw and stopped him.

Andy: You don't have to worry about it, you can keep it that way. I just wanted to hear you and see you a little bit.

Robert was about to answer, but just then, the doorbell rang. It was the dinner Andy had ordered that had arrived.

Robert: One minute, I need to open the door, but please don't hang up. I also want to see you, hear you...

Robert received the order. At first he informed the delivery man that he had probably called at the wrong house. Then the delivery man checked the data.

Delivery person: The address is correct. Order for Robert Sullivan. Is it not you?

Robert: Yes, it's me. Oh... okay. Thanks.

He walked in with the package and turned to his cell phone, where Andy was waiting for him.

Andy: I ​​think my package has arrived, right?

Robert: Were you the one who sent me this dinner?

Andy: Yes. As I was saying, I was missing you and our meals together in New York. So I ordered the same dish for myself. So that we can have dinner together, even though we are far apart.

Robert: I don't even know what to say. Thank you very much. I miss you so much too. Every day, when I eat my meals alone, I remember how good it was to have your company.

Robert was surprised and delighted at the same time by what Andy was providing for that night. The urge to hug and kiss her was growing even stronger.

He prepared the table so they could have dinner together. As they ate, they talked about various subjects. They were so happy they couldn't hide the sparkle in their eyes.

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