Chapter 28

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Andy and Jack got to the floor the 19 team was on very quickly. They started opening the door, removing the hinges. It wasn't going to be easy for them, as the smoke blocked visibility and the structure was too heavy for just the two of them to do the job.

With great difficulty, they managed to open the door and as soon as they entered the place, they noticed that Maya was already on the floor, having a lot of difficulty breathing, as she had been without her oxygen mask for some time and had inhaled a lot of smoke. Travis was also without his mask, as he had put his oxygen support on the woman, who was a little weak. But Travis was still breathing easier than Maya.

So, soon Andy gave the orders to the team:

Andy: Dean, you go with Travis so if he gets sick, he has someone to help him. Vic, escort the patient to the exit and Ben take the child. Jack and I will take Maya on a stretcher.

Everyone obeyed what Andy proposed and they quickly managed to get out of the building safely.

The chief had listened to all 19 movement over the radio and he knew that Andy and Jack had done a good job, however, they had disobeyed their superiors and needed to be punished. So, as soon as he realized that everyone was safe and recovered from what had happened, Lucas went to Andy and Jack.

Lucas: Herrera and Gibson, you were lucky today, but luck won't always be on your side. What you did today will be recorded in your files as insubordination.

Andy and Jack tried to apologize to the chief, but Lucas didn't go back on his decision.

Aware of the gravity of her attitude, Andy needed to know if she could still be captain.

Andy: Chief, can I ask you a question?

Lucas: Yes Herrera.

Andy: Are we still in contention for the captaincy?

Lucas: For now, yes, but Chief Dixon will certainly intervene in the decision. He wasn't satisfied with what he saw. Tonight we will have a meeting to decide who will be the new captain and tomorrow I will make the announcement at 19.

At the end of the call, everyone returned to the station, including Lucas.

When they got there, they found Pruit sitting at the front desk.

Andy: Papi, what are you doing here?

Pruit: I was tired of staying at home. I heard about the fire in the building and imagined that the station was empty, with no one to answer the phone or give information to the community. So, I decided to come here.

Andy: You still need rest.

Pruit: At home I sit on the couch watching television. Here I am also setting the same way.

Andy: Okay. But then, promise me you won't make any effort.

Pruit: I promise hija.

Andy and the rest of the team went to the bathroom to shower. The only one left at the reception with Pruit was Lucas.

He was worried about the decision he would have to make later that day. Up until that moment, he was certain that Andy was the best candidate, and Jack the second best candidate. None of the other candidates proved competent to take on a station as important as 19. But after what happened on the last call, he began to wonder if they were really up to the job.

Lucas decided to tell Pruit what happened that day and ask her opinion.

Lucas: Hello, Captain Herrera.

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