Chapter 33

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Andy and Robert slept long hours that night. They were tired from the day before, where they had organized all of Robert's move, but at the same time they were so happy to finally have a home in Seattle.

They were still sleeping when they were woken up by Andy's phone ringing. Still drowsy, Andy pulled out her cell phone and saw that it was a call from Travis. She found it odd that Travis didn't usually call her this early if it wasn't urgent.

Andy: Hello! Travis?

Travis: Hi Andy.

Andy: Is everything okay?

Travis: No. I have the flu and a high fever. I don't know what I do. Andy, I need your help. I can't drive to the station. Can you pick me up and give me a ride?

Andy: But you can't work like that. You have to stay at home.

At that moment, Robert had also woken up and was lying next to Andy trying to understand what was happening, but at the same time, taking advantage of his last moments of free day to cuddle Andy.

Travis: I don't have the guts to face Captain Sullivan. I'd rather go to work than see him mad at me. I go to the station and do the table service.

At that moment, Andy looked at Robert. He wasn't listening to what Travis was saying, but she tried to nod to him that it was something important. Robert continued caressing Andy and also giving her a few kisses on the shoulder and neck, but still trying to fathom what Travis wanted at that time.

Andy: Travis you can't work sick. In addition, it is dangerous to contaminate the entire team. Let me talk to Captain Sullivan and explain what happened.

Travis: He's going to punish me for the foul. And I think he would punish me for not directly telling him the reason for my absence.

Travis was so nervous he was already worried about all the possibilities.

Travis: Andy, he might as well punish you for letting me stay away without his permission and also for getting involved in a problem that isn't yours.

At that moment Andy was amused at how nervous Travis was. She was trying to contain her laughter, but ended up at least giving a half-disguised smile.

Andy: Travis, first you need to calm down. You don't have to be so nervous. There's no reason for you to worry about punishment. And in that case, there's no reason for him to punish us, since you have a fair reason to be absent. Besides, Captain Sullivan's problem is just with me. He hates me.

At that moment Robert whispered:

Robert: I don't hate you. I love you.

Travis: Andy, are you with anyone? I feel like I heard someone say "I love you". Um... Andy, are you with a suitor and you haven't told me anything?

Andy was completely freaked out that Travis had heard. She slapped Robert lightly and glared at him. She quickly invented a lie.

Andy: Travis is not at all what you're thinking. I'm not with anyone. I have the television on. What you heard was a scene from the movie I was watching.

Travis: Andy, it's 6 am. Are you watching a movie or are you really with someone and you don't want to tell me?

Andy: I ​​already told you that's not it. I had insomnia. Anyway... it doesn't matter. Let's talk about your health. It's decided. You stay at home and I'll talk to Captain Sullivan. If you need anything, call me and I'll meet you.

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