Chapter 82

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Since they found out about Andy's pregnancy, not a day has gone by that Robert hasn't asked her to be careful at work. They were words of affection and concern that Andy found cute in her husband. However, that was not how she thought that December 31st.

It was New Year's Eve and, unlike Christmas, they would celebrate this celebration while working. They had all been on duty since the morning of the 31st and it was not strange to think that there were many calls, as they were already used to having the most intense shifts on festive days. What they didn't imagine was that a small plane would crash in a forest in an area further away from the city.

As soon as the alarm sounded at station 19, the entire team rushed to the scene. The ambulance and the 19 truck were parked on the road, but between that road and the accident site there was a small river that prevented the vehicles from approaching. Andy analyzed the severity and quickly realized that it was a lot of work for just her team to do. She directed her team to begin first aid, while she stayed in the ambulance, making contact so they could send backup.

It didn't take long for Robert to arrive in his car to command the operation. He soon sought more information from Andy while waiting for the other teams to arrive.

Robert: Captain Herrera, what are the conditions of the accident?

Andy: There are 5 injured, all alive but difficult to remove, chief.

As Andy located Robert, she received an announcement on her radio.

Jack: Captain Herrera, we found another victim. She is a woman outside the plane. She probably tried to walk and walked away from the area. She is very hurt. We need more first aid equipment.

Andy went to the ambulance and grabbed a first aid kit. Before she finished removing her bag from the vehicle, Robert approached and tried to take the bag from her hand.

Robert: I'll take it to them.

Holding the bag tightly, Andy replied:

Andy: I'll take it. They are close to here.

Robert took the bag and reinforced:

Robert: Captain Herrera, I'm your boss and I'm telling you I'm going to take the kit. You stay here and wait for the other teams.

Robert walked towards the river to meet the 19 team. Andy followed him and using a clearly irritated tone of voice, she continued:

Andy: Chief, give me my bag back. This is my team. I'm the one who commands this team.

Robert ignored what she was saying and continued on his way when he was interrupted by Andy, but this time without any professional formality.

Andy: Are you crazy, Robert? This river, despite not being deep, is full of slippery rocks. It's very dangerous.

Robert: But I need to get to the scene of the accident.

Andy: If you were actually doing your job, you would have seen that there is a wooden bridge less than 100 meters away and that it is the only safe way to get to the site.

Robert looked in the direction Andy pointed and saw the bridge that he hadn't noticed, because when he arrived, he was just thinking about how to protect Andy from the risks of that call. He then walked to the bridge, leaving Andy alone and very angry. What they didn't know was that Andy's radio was on and that throughout their argument, the team was listening.

Robert arrived at the 19 team and remained on the other side of the river helping them and, therefore, Andy could not go to meet her team, as she needed to guide the other teams that were arriving for reinforcement and also to the headquarters of the firefighters who asked for constant updates through the communication channel inside the ambulance.

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