Chapter 41

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Andy realized that she had said something that compromised the secrecy between her and Robert. She quickly thought of a justification to correct her flaw.

Andy: I didn't mean that I have the key. I'm just with them, because while we were waiting for help, the captain was afraid of something more serious happening to him. And since I was in better condition, he handed me the keys in case anyone needed them.

Travis: That's weird. Then he gives you the keys, but you two spend most of the day arguing.

Andy: He didn't give me the keys. He just asked me to give it to Chief Ripley and with all this confusion, I ended up forgetting to deliver it.

Lucas: Thank you Herrera. Tomorrow I will get the clothes before I come to visit him.

Andy handed her the keys and Lucas stayed in her room for a few more moments before returning to the station.

A short time later, Amelia entered Andy's room to announce the end of visiting hours.

Amelia: Visiting hours closed. Andy needs to rest.

Everyone got up to leave and started saying good-bye to Andy, except for Pruit. Amelia noticed that he remained in the same place and so she said:

Amelia: I know you're her father, but you also need to leave.

Pruit: She's my daughter and I want to be by her side.

Amelia: I'm sorry, but no one can stay. You can come back tomorrow after 8am.

Reluctantly, Pruit went home with the others.

Amelia was still in the room repeating some tests and exams on Andy, but as Andy was anxious for news of Robert, she took advantage of the doctor's presence to know better how he was doing.

Andy: How's Robert? I'm worried.

Amelia: He's had all the tests done, but I don't know the results since I'm not the one following up on his case. I know he's in the room now.

Andy: Can I see him?

Amelia: I need to talk to his doctor and if he gives me permission then you can go see him.

Amelia left the room and went to find Dr. Koracick. She knew that Robert must also be worried about Andy, so she thought it would be good for both of them if they could stay in the same room overnight.

As soon as she met with Dr. Koracick, she proposed that he leave the couple together.

Koracick: This is a hospital, not a romantic hangout. My patient needs to rest and I will not allow what you are asking of me.

Amelia: If you had a heart, you would understand that love is also therapeutic. Andy is suffering without seeing him and I'm sure he also needs to see that his girlfriend is okay so he can really rest.

Koracick: This love stuff is bullshit.

Amelia: All right. If you are not going to agree, then I say that I am prescribing for my patient that she has a dose of love in her treatment.

Koracick: You're not going to give up? How long are you going to keep talking in my head?

Amelia: I won't give up because I know it's best for both of us.

Koracick: Fine, if you insist, I'll let them spend the night in the same room, but on the condition that she goes to his room and not the other way around. He can't keep moving.

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