Chapter 78

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Ryan was watching what was happening, but he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He saw Pruit walk in hand in hand with a woman and it wasn't just any woman, it was Elena, the woman he'd seen Andy mourn for most of their lifes.

He was confused between what his eyes saw and his thoughts that assured him that, if she were really Elena, Andy would have come to him to tell him what was happening.

Ryan continued to watch from afar, trying to decipher who that woman was. He observed that Andy hugged her warmly, seeking comfort in that hug.

Meanwhile, Andy sat down with her parents and explained what had happened to Robert. Pruit and Elena were outraged. They had complete confidence in Robert's character.

Pruit: That's nonsense. I'll talk to the delegate. We have worked together several times and I do not admit that my son-in-law sleeps a single night here.

Lucas: There's no point in trying, Pruit. I already tried talking to him and it was useless.

Pruit: Well, I'll try again.

Lucas: I'll go with you.

The two men got up and went towards the police chief's office. Andy and Elena remained where they were. Andy was tired and rested her head on Elena's shoulder. Ryan, who continued to watch, decided to approach. He walked towards the two women and at that moment he no longer had any doubts. Scared, he only managed to ask:

Ryan: Elena?

Elena: Yes, it's me. And who are you?

Andy: He's Ryan, Mom. My friend and our neighbor. He is a police officer at this station.

Elena: The Tanners' son?

Andy: Yes.

Ryan: Andy, what's going on here? I heard your cries over your mother's death for years. I always went to your house on Mother's Day to keep you company, because it was the worst day of the year for you. And now I see her here... and worse... I see you two together without me knowing what's happening.

Elena: Hey boy you can't talk to her like that.

Andy knew that her mother talk wasn't going to help anything at that moment, so she quickly interrupted.

Andy: I'm sorry Ryan. That's a long story. I can't tell you this now.

Ryan: Oh sure. To ask for help while your husband is in prison, I am your friend. Now to tell me why I'm seeing your mother, dead, in front of me, our friendship of so many years is worthless. You've changed a lot Andy. I'm disappointed in you.

Ryan turned his back and started walking away from them. Andy ran after him.

Andy: Ryan, wait.

He continued walking and ignored her request. Andy, however, was faster and soon managed to grab his arm.

Andy: Ryan, that's not what you're thinking. Your friendship is one of the most valuable things in my life. I want and I will tell you everything. But today has been a terrible night. You weren't supposed to find out that my mother is alive like this. I wanted to tell you calmly and at a more appropriate time. In a more private place.

Ryan was silent, but his expression showed how hurt he was. Andy knew how to decipher all of her friend's expressions. She knew he was indeed upset and that was all she didn't need at that moment. But she also felt remorse for not having said anything to him yet, while everyone at the station already knew and lived with Elena.

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