Chapter 20

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When Andy realized that Robert had a fever, she felt guilty. He had walked a long way, at night and without a shirt to protect her from the cold, and as a result, he ended up getting sick.
Robert was sleeping, but even so, Andy got up from their bed and took the fever-lowering medication from her bag. She went to him and gently woke him up with a few kisses.

Andy: Robert, wake up.
Robert: Did something happen?
He was still shaking, but he was startled to be woken up.
Andy: You have a fever. I prepared the medication for you.
Robert: I'm really feeling very cold and also body aches. But I was so sleepy I couldn't wake up.
Andy: I'm sorry. I didn't want to see you like this, sick.
Robert: I don't understand why you're apologizing to me.
Andy: You got sick because of me. I shouldn't have left you shirtless when we got back from the waterfall.
Robert: It wasn't your fault. I offered and I don't regret it. You were very cold and so if I hadn't lent you my shirt, you would be sick right now.
Andy: Still, I feel bad about it.
Robert: Don't feel guilty. It's just a cold and soon I'll be better.
Andy: All right. But then take this medicine. It will help to lower the fever.

Robert took the medicine and lay down again. Andy lay down beside him, cuddling him. She tried to sleep but couldn't, as she was worried.
As the day approached dawn, Andy noticed that in addition to the fever, Robert was also sneezing, so she decided to go to the pharmacy to buy some flu medication.
Upon leaving the room, she went to the kitchen, where Mrs. Ana was preparing breakfast.

Ana: Good morning! Is everything ok honey? You look worried.
Andy: Robert is not well. He has a fever and other signs of the flu. Can you tell me where there is a pharmacy so I can get some medicine?
Ana: I'm sorry he's sick. The pharmacy is in the back street.
Andy: Thank you.

Andy walked to the drugstore. Upon arriving at the scene, she tried to communicate in English, but the pharmacist did not understand what she was saying. She was distressed, because until then, Robert was always with her and he communicated very well in Portuguese.
She tried to make gestures that might explain that she wanted cold medicine, but the pharmacist still didn't understand.
A girl about 10 years old was sitting in the pharmacy office and noticed her father's difficulty in talking to Andy. Then she had an idea. She took out her cell phone and offered Andy to use the translation app. So Andy was able to buy the correct medication and was grateful that the smart little girl was there.
When she returned to the inn, Mrs. Ana had prepared a breakfast tray.

Ana: I made some tea to help Robert cure the flu and I also prepared some things for you to eat.
Andy: Thank you, Mrs. Ana. You needn't have gone to so much work.
Ana: It wasn't work at all.

Andy took the tray and returned to their room.
When she entered the room, Robert was already awake.

Andy: I brought our breakfast and also some cold medicine.
Robert: Did you go shopping alone?
Andy shook her head and started to laugh remembering the mimes she'd tried to do to buy the medication.
Robert: May I know why you're laughing?

Andy told what happened and they were both having fun with the story.
Andy: Well, now let's eat. Mrs. Ana has prepared a tea especially for you to recover from the flu.
They ate together and then Andy took the tray to Mrs. Ana's kitchen. When she returned to the bedroom, Robert was lying again wrapped in the covers.

Andy: The fever is back, isn't it?
Robert: I think so.
Andy: I'll give you the medicine and we'll stay here in the room today.
Robert: You don't have to be stuck here. You can go for a walk, walk, talk to Mrs. Ana. There's that craft fair you wanted to shop for.
Andy: Hey my love, do you really think I'd go nowhere and leave you here sick?
Robert: I don't want to mess up your day.
Andy: And since when was staying by your side all day, under the covers, a sacrifice for me? My only plans for today are to do nothing with you. I just want to stay here giving you affection and taking care of you. So don't you dare change my plans.

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