Chapter 63

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Andy and Robert walked down the stairs hand in hand. They were happy and didn't want to do any more suspense. When the people there saw them, they were all amazed, not believing if they were imagining something or if they were really seeing Andy and Robert hand in hand as a couple.

They approached the guests and soon Robert began to utter a few words.

Robert: Thank you all for coming. Tonight is very important to me. Today I celebrate with you a very important achievement in my career, which is becoming a Battalion Chief. I also celebrate the achievement of my best friend, who became Head of Department and the fact that my position as captain was passed on to the best firefighter I have ever known and the most competent to assume a station and a team of such responsibility as the 19. But the real reason for this party is because I...

He stopped what he was saying to look at Andy. Taking both her hands, eye to eye, he continued:

Robert: I would like to say publicly that I love this woman. And I love her so much that I married her. So this is our wedding party.

Before Andy could say anything, Robert kissed her. Almost all the people there exchanged glances with each other, still not believing that it was really happening.

When her lips parted, Robert whispered,

Robert: No more secrets.

Andy felt relief wash over her to be rid of that secret. She then wanted to utter a few words.

Andy: Thanks to my dad and all our friends for being with us today. It's no secret to any of you that I've always wanted to follow my father's legacy and become captain of the station that has always been my home. Today I am very happy to have conquered something I always wanted and fought to achieve. However, I'm even happier for today celebrating something I never wanted, but which has become my biggest dream since I met this incredible man who is by my side. With Robert I found true love. A feeling that only grows every day and that I feel and know is reciprocal. Having married the love of my life is my greatest achievement.

Andy then kissed her husband again and then concluded:

Andy: As Robert said, today we want to celebrate with you not just the good things that happened in our careers, but especially the best things that happened in our personal lives. We both love each other and dreamed of the moment when we could live our love without secrets and lies. Everyone here is very important to both of us and we want you to make the most of this evening.

Many were still surprised, but Maya, who had already been suspicious at times, did not miss the opportunity to comment:

Maya: So I wasn't wrong when you went to escort him to your room the day you received the tribute after the accident? You were secretly dating.

Andy: You were right, but I couldn't tell you anything.

Robert: How so? Maya knew?

Maya: Andy took a long time in that room and said she was just helping you into bed as your leg was healing from the accident. But I think you were able to lie down more quickly.

She said laughing, which made Robert a little embarrassed when he remembered what happened that night.

Dean: So if Andy is married what are we going to call you now? Captain Herrera or Captain Sullivan?

Andy: As much as I love having my husband's name next to mine, at work I want to remain a Herrera. I want to build my own story without my father's shadow, but I can't deny that who I've become is thanks to him and I want his name to accompany me in every achievement.

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