Chapter 79

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The following days after Robert's arrest were even more intense for the couple. Andy was always afraid and distressed by any absence of her husband. She tried not to show it, but her heart always sank due to any delay in his arrival. For this reason, Diane suggested that they increase the frequency of therapy sessions and Andy agreed, as it was important for her to organize the feelings that arose after seeing her husband handcuffed and in a prison saddle.

Robert also had his feelings raised, but he refused to go to therapy claiming he didn't have time for it. All the free time Robert had was dedicated to looking for resources, evidence and witnesses that could exonerate the boy he witnessed being racially abused.

During this same period, Andy also looked for Ryan. She needed to talk to him and calm her heart about any hurt her friend might be feeling about her. So, she arranged for them to meet at a coffee shop, where they could talk calmly. Andy told Ryan how he discovered the truth about Elena. She told about her trip to New York and about all the fears and joys that her mother's presence caused her.

Ryan: I'm surprised and scared by everything you're telling me. The memory of the day she died is so strong in my mind that I can't believe it was all a lie. I'm only believing all of this because I saw Elena in the flesh in front of me.

Andy: I also can't understand to this day how my father was able to sustain this lie for so long. I never suspected anything.

Andy then looked at her friend and added:

Andy: Ryan, I'm so grateful that you're my best friend. I don't know how I would have endured everything I've experienced without your sincere friendship. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this sooner. I've been having busy days at work since I became captain. Not even with Robert have I had many quality moments, as we are always involved with work.

Ryan: Alright Andy. Forget what I said that day at the police station. I was upset, but now it's over.

Andy: But I didn't do it right. My friends at 19 ended up finding out before you did, because when my mom arrived in Seattle, she helped me prepare for the fire station Halloween fundraiser.

Ryan: So if I had gone to the party, I would have met up with her on Halloween?

Andy: Yes. She was there. By the way, why didn't you come to our Halloween party? Whenever you're in Seattle, you go to our parties.

Ryan: Exactly because I wasn't in Seattle. I went to San Diego again and arrived in Seattle the day before Robert's arrest.

Andy: Oh!! So that's why I wasn't seeing you around town. So I'm not a bad friend at all, since you were away too.

Ryan: Okay. We're tied then. I accept my absence in our friendship.

The two continued talking and updating the news in their lives.

It had been 2 weeks since Robert had been arrested. Andy and Robert were closer every day and offered each other love to overcome everything they had experienced. However, Andy was uncomfortable seeing her husband always sad and distressed. She missed seeing him smile, dancing together and having leisure time. She understood his reasons and shared the same feelings, but seeing him like this only made her even more worried. She wanted him to be able to disconnect from so many problems for at least a moment and, as if by magic, he could have some time of joy. So, she decided to prepare a big surprise for him.

That day, Andy stopped by the department to pick up Robert after they finished their shift. As she was very anxious, she didn't wait to get home to give him a gift. Still inside the car, Andy said:

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