Chapter 2

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Andy: And so Jack? I'm waiting for you to deny what I said.

Jack was silent. Andy got even angrier and closed the door.
The next day, before leaving, Andy asked Maya and Vic to take care of her father. So she hugged each of her colleagues except Jack and left.
Andy arrived in New York and went straight to the hotel. She would not have time to rest, as soon there would be the Gala Ball that marked the opening of the event.
Andy got ready for the Gala Ball, but she was completely discouraged about going to a party where she didn't know anyone.

During the party, she texted a group chat she has with Maya and Vic:

Andy: I'm bored at this party. I don't have anyone to keep me company. I'll just wait for the General Commander's pronouncement and then I'll go to my room.

Maya: Um... Cinderella will be back from the party before midnight.
Vic: It's not possible that at an event where most of the guests are men, you're not seeing any prince charming.

Andy ignored her friends' mockery.
She remained at her desk alone, as she listened to the Commander General's pronouncement. Andy was distracted when she heard a male voice asking if he could sit with her. She looked to the side and saw a man of average height, with straight blond hair and blue eyes. As Andy was determined to leave in the next few minutes, she would reply that he couldn't keep her company, but before she could say anything, he had already settled down.

Bryan: Nice to meet you, Captain Bryan Smith of Miami.
Andy: Lieutenant Andrea Herrera of Seattle.
Bryan: I noticed that you're also bored. These pronouncements are extremely boring.
This Commander just wants to promote himself and we're forced to listen.
Despite agreeing with Bryan, Andy was a little uncomfortable with his presence at her table. She didn't answer, but Bryan didn't stop talking.

Bryan: When I'm commander, you'll have a quality party. Firefighters work hard during shifts, they deserve a good party to celebrate their day.
There will be a DJ playing from start to finish and not the bullshit that we have to put up with every year. Wait, you will still come to my parties.
Andy couldn't believe what she was hearing. That young man's arrogance could be even more boring than the commander's pronouncement. So, as soon as the commander had finished his words, Andy did as she had planned: she got up and retreated to her room.
The event took place on the top floor of the hotel where she was staying. As her room was right on the floor below, she decided to down the stairs.
Like Andy, a captain who was at the event also decided to leave early. He had lost his wife about 4 years ago and since then parties had lost their fun for him.
He was also heading down the stairs when he saw Andy sitting on a step with pain in her foot. She had lost her balance on one step and had sprained her ankle. Her foot was swelling inside her heeled sandal.
Andy was removing sandals when she heard footsteps approaching her. She figured it would be Bryan who had followed her. She was already getting furious, but then she heard a different voice.

Man: Did you get hurt? I can help you?
Andy looked back and saw a tall, black, bald man, very handsome. And the first thing Andy noticed when she saw him was that he was a serious person and he didn't look happy.
Andy: I ​​sprained my foot. It's swelling. I removed my sandals and now I will go back to my room. Thanks, but I don't think I need help.

Andy tried to get up. When she put her foot on the floor, she felt a very strong pain. It was impossible to support her weight on her injured foot. He offered to carry her to her room, but Andy refused, accepting only a helping hand so she could jump, leaning on his arm.
Upon entering the room he suggested:

Man: Put your feet up and apply ice. Tomorrow will be a long day of lectures. If you don't take care of that foot properly, you won't be able to participate in the practical training that will take place in 3 days.

He helped her to sit on the bed and soon after, fetched some ice cubes from the fridge. Then he wished Andy a good recovery and left the room.
Andy noted that their conversation had gone so fast that she didn't even have time to ask his name. Perhaps, being a closed person, he would have chosen to say only what was necessary.
Anyway, something about this man had attracted Andy and made her curious as to who he was.

The next day, right at the beginning of the lecture, the Commanding General said:
Commander: As you all know, it is Fire Department protocol that we always work in pairs. So, throughout this week, you will have a fixed duo who will do all the activities together. It is your responsibility to take care of each other. The list of pairs has been sent to your email. You will have 10 minutes to identify yourself and introduce yourself.
Andy looked at her email. Her partner would be Captain Robert Sullivan of Montana Station 31. She was going to look for him when the man who had helped her the night before approached:

Man: Andy Herrera from Seattle's Station 19?
Andy: Yes. How did you know my name? Oh! First, thanks for the help last night.
Man: Guess we'll have a long week together huh. I found out your name because there aren't that many women around here and I'm scheduled to be your partner.
Andy: Captain Robert Sullivan? I got it right?

He gave a slight, discreet smile and nodded.
They sat in the auditorium where the lectures would take place. On that first day, they would just hear the Commander General and some guests talk about the new guidelines. This year, the theme chosen for the training was rescue in mountainous and hard-to-reach areas.
As the day progressed, Andy began to feel her foot swelling inside her shoe. It was uncomfortable for her to sit so long. Robert noticed that she was uncomfortable and asked:

Robert: Is your foot? Is it hurting?
Andy: The pain is mild, but my foot is swelling. It's uncomfortable to wear these shoes.
Robert got up and left without saying anything. Andy wondered where he had gone, but soon saw him return carrying a chair.

Robert: Support your leg here. It will help reduce swelling. During your lunch break, return to your room and add more ice packs.

Andy followed his directions and felt better.

On the second day, they had a theory exam. Each pair should answer together a questionnaire containing 40 questions.
Before they started, Robert made sure they had an extra chair so that Andy could support her leg and be able to concentrate on the test without feeling pain. Andy marveled at his concern.
They started to answer the questionnaire and in all questions they both had the same opinion about the answers. This surprised Robert.

Robert: Are you sure you're just a lieutenant? This quiz contains specific questions for captains and you got them all right.
Andy: Let's say I've been a captain since I was a kid, but I still can't receive my title.

She said it in jest, but then concluded:

Andy: Since my mom died, when I was 9, it's just me and my dad. So he needed to take me to the station whenever there was no class at school. I grew up following my dad at work and attending events like this.
Robert: Your father's fame runs all over the country, but I never imagined that in addition to being an exemplary captain, he still raised a daughter by himself. He really is a legend for us.

Andy was proud to hear the praise for her father. He was her hero, but knowing he was an inspiration to so many other firefighters made her happy.

That day, there was no training. They only answered the questionnaire in the morning and were released before lunch.
Since there was so much of the day free, Andy wanted to see Central Park. It was a walk she was going to take alone, but as she was enjoying Robert's company, she decided to invite him.

Andy: I'm going to visit Central Park later and I was wondering if you'd like to come with me.
Robert: Of course I do. It will be a great ride.

At the agreed time, they met at the hotel reception. First they had lunch together, and then they went to Central Park.
The tour was very pleasant. They walked and talked about various subjects. Robert discovered that Andy was from a Puerto Rican family and a Salsa state champion, while Andy listened to Robert tell her about his family origins from Germany and Ghana.
Andy was so mesmerized by the beauty of Central Park's famous cherry trees that she asked Robert to take some pictures of her on her cell phone.

As Robert was about to take the photo, Andy's phone rang in his hand. Immediately Robert saw Jack's name appear on the screen.

Why was Jack calling Andy? How will Robert act after this unexpected call?

*Sorry for any error. English is not our first language.

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