Chapter 5

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When she arrived at the Seattle airport, Jack was waiting for her. As soon as he saw her, he hugged her and went to give her a kiss. She, however, responded only to his hug, leaving Jack intrigued.

Jack: Hey, are you still mad at me because I didn't accompany you on the trip? Let's forget about it Andy.

That wasn't why Andy hadn't kissed him. She was still confused about how she felt about both Jack and Robert.

Andy: It's okay Jack... I'm just a little tired and I want to get home soon.

Obviously, her argument was not convincing. She was always fiery and it wouldn't be because of tiredness that she would refuse a kiss. But Jack didn't want to start a new argument.

Andy still had the rest of the day free. She went to her house and Jack went back to work at the station.

The next morning, as soon as she arrived at the station, her friends Maya and Vic immediately asked how the trip had been. Andy told about the lectures and everything she had learned during the training. However, she thought it best not to say what happened between her and Robert, because if the truth were told she would hurt Jack and her father. Pruit would be very angry if he learned that his daughter slept with a captain at the corporation's most important event. She would be dishonoring his name and all of Station 19.

This was a peaceful day. There weren't many calls and Andy spent most of her free time in her dorm. She was choosing to be alone to reflect a little more on her feelings. She knew that she would never see Robert again and that she needed to forget about him. She also knew that Jack would be a good companion for her to share life with. So she thought, "It would be nice if I really fell in love with Jack. He's a good man and he always treats me kindly. Why can't I feel for him what I feel for Robert?"

Andy was so distracted in her thoughts and didn't notice when Jack arrived. He hugged her and apologized for letting her travel alone. Andy was willing to give Jack one more chance and so she accepted an apology from him.

They started kissing and the atmosphere between them grew more and more heated. Jack already imagined this would happen and had locked the door as soon as he entered. However, the alarm went off. It was an ambulance call and Jack was scheduled.

Andy was alone in her room again. Although it had heated up the atmosphere between her and Jack, she felt that once again it would just be sex and was grateful that the alarm had gone off in time to interrupt them.

Later, when Jack returned, Andy was already in bed, ready for bed. Jack tried to return to where they had left off. He walked into her bedroom, lay down beside her and started kissing her. But Andy felt like she wouldn't be able to have sex with him that night. As much as she tried to forget about Robert, he couldn't get out of her head. So, she preferred to ask him to stop.

Andy: Jack, I have a little headache.

Jack: Okay... Um... Again, I'm sorry I let you go to New York alone.

Andy didn't want any more fights between them. She really apologized to him for that and wished everything would go back to normal.

Andy: It's okay between us, Jack. I am no longer hurt by this. I'm just a little tired. Can we just sleep together tonight?

She gave him a brief kiss and rolled over to sleep.

Jack felt a little more relieved that she had forgiven him, but he still felt that there was something alien between them.

The next day, it was a free day and everyone went to their own house. Jack called Andy to see if she was better.

Jack: Hi, are you better?

Andy: Yes, I ​​am. I think yesterday I was just tired from the trip. Thank you for worrying.

Jack: Andy, these days when you've been away, I've thought about us a lot. It is no longer a secret to anyone else that we are together. Even your father knows our history and has never objected. Don't you think we can take it a step further?

Andy: I ​​don't think so. It is not yet time.

Despite feeling frustrated, Jack didn't insist at that moment. He would come back to that subject another day, when they were together.

They talked for a few more minutes and after they ended the call, Andy again felt bad for not being able to return Jack the same affection he had for her. It was another day where she preferred to be alone, sorting out her feelings between Jack and Robert.

In these early days, Andy and Robert tried to go about their normal lives. They knew that what happened in New York ended there. But still, several times they thought of each other. Even the smallest detail was enough to make them miss each other.

At the restaurant, when Robert saw pasta with white sauce, he immediately remembered that at one of their training lunches, Andy had commented that this was one of her favorite dishes.

Andy also remembered Robert every morning when she went to put on her shoes before work. She remembered the affection he'd had for her from the first moment they'd seen each other.

They had exchanged phone numbers since the first day of training, as the pairs needed to communicate during activities. However, neither of them had the courage to text or make a call. And so, they just consumed each other missing each other.

A week had passed and every time Andy tried to give in to Jack's caresses, she couldn't get beyond kisses and caresses. It was all very strange between them. It had never been like that. Even though she was never in love with him, she was always interested and excited about sex. Not even on exhausting days did she feel discouraged.

One day, while the team was having breakfast, Captain Herrera was telling the story of when Andy came to pick him up in New York after the Twin Towers accident, when she was 12 years old. Andy couldn't take this story any longer and retreated to the equipment room. Jack knew she didn't like to talk about it and went after her.

When Jack entered the room, as soon as Andy saw him, she decided she was going to give in to his wishes. . She needed to distract her mind and in that moment she felt it would be best for her. Who knows, after they had sex, maybe she would at least regain the attraction she felt for him before. Maybe in a few more days she would have forgotten about Robert and everything would be back to normal.

Jack: Andy, are you okay?

Andy: I ​​hate that story. I always hated it. He thinks it's cute, but it was awful.

Jack: Then forget about this story.

He said as he took her by the arms and started kissing her. Andy was kissing back and was, in a way, beginning to like it. She could even show a little smile on her face.

Jack was kissing her around the neck as Andy ran her hand down his body. The atmosphere between them was heating up and she was finally going to give herself up. Then she lowered her hand a little further, ready to remove his belt.

When Andy was running her hand next to Jack's pants pocket, she felt a little box. It couldn't be what she was thinking.

She withdrew the box as she let go of Jack. She needed to see it with her own eyes to believe it. When she opened the box and saw a ring with a diamond stone, she couldn't hide an expression that mixed fear and panic.

Jack: No... wait.. Let's not do that now.

She was still looking at the ring in alarm. It was hard enough for her to stay with Jack after all she'd been through with Robert, even more so now, in front of a ring that showed Jack wanted her for a more serious relationship. He wanted to build a life with her. It was too much for Andy at that moment. She couldn't say anything. Her expression already spoke for itself.

Jack: Give it back. You weren't supposed to see this. I had thought...

Then Jack looked into Andy's desperate face.

Jack: You weren't happy.

Andy: I ​​don't know what to say.

Jack: Don't you want to marry or... don't you want to marry me?

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