Chapter 4

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At dawn, Robert woke up thinking that this would be the last day he would have Andy's company. He felt as good in her presence as he hadn't felt in many years. Unfortunately, the training was ending and soon everyone would return to their hometown and they would only have good memories of that week in New York.
Meanwhile, Andy was also thinking about Robert. She missed her father, but thought that if he had gone to training with her, he would never have had such unforgettable moments with Robert. In fact, she was glad to have gone unaccompanied.
Andy's thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone. She answered immediately upon seeing the name of the caller. She figured something might have happened to her father, as Maya wasn't used to calling her, much less so early.

Andy: Hi Maya, good morning! Did something happen to my dad, for you to call me so early?
Maya: Hi Andy, good morning! I'm fine and thanks for asking (she said with a slight giggle). But no, nothing happened. I'm just calling to see how you are, as you'll be back tomorrow.
Andy: Sorry Maya. I thought something had happened to my father. I am fine. I can't believe today is the last day. I really enjoyed this training.

Maya noticed that she had a different joy in Andy's voice.

Maya: Did something happen? You have a different tone of voice, like you don't want to go home. You found Prince Charming there, did you?
Andy: That's not it, Maya. Is that ...

Andy needed to come up with something, as she didn't want to tell Maya about Robert, after all, they were just training partners.

Andy: It's just that I've come to imagine that we'd have long hours of boring lectures, but it's actually been hands-on training and you know how I like to feel like I'm in combat.

Maya didn't really believe that argument, but she didn't provoke her friend anymore.
They continued talking for a few minutes, but Andy needed to hang up or she would be late for the last stage of training.

The morning passed quickly and right after lunch, everyone returned to their rooms so they could rest and prepare for the Closing Ball.
Andy had chosen a long, red dress for the event, not too tight. As her foot had fully recovered, she was able to wear high heel sandals again. She chose to keep her hair down and wear light makeup.
This time, Robert had offered to accompany her to the ballroom. He was already ready, wearing his black suit and dress shoes. She was just waiting for the agreed time to pick up Andy at her bedroom door.
They were getting closer and closer to each other and both could not explain why, but they were already feeling sad for knowing that it would be their last moments together.
They sat down and while talking, had a few drinks. About 1 hour later, the General Commander made a statement and then cleared the dance floor.
Unlike the opening ball, this one had many women, as firefighters were allowed to take a company. Then, soon the dance floor was full of couples. Robert asked Andy to dance and she accepted.
The first few songs were more upbeat and they were having fun. It didn't even look like Andy's foot had been injured a few days ago.
Some time later, they began to play romantic songs. Robert then put his arm around Andy's waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck. They were closer and they could feel the attraction between them. So they continued dancing, but now looking into each other's eyes. The atmosphere between them was heating up and it was possible to see that they both had the same desire. Their faces were getting closer and closer.
Their lips came together and Robert gave her a first kiss, discreet and soft. But then, before they could get any further involved, Robert interrupted. He remembered when Jack called Andy on the second day.

Robert: Andy, I'm sorry. This couldn't have happened. I know you're compromised and...once again, I'm sorry.

Andy put a hand on Robert's lips, to stop him talking.

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