Chapter 74

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"Andy, I had to go to work, but if you need me, I'll be on my phone so we can talk. Try to rest and think about what I told you. I love you."

A few hours after Robert left, Andy woke up and saw his message. She smiled as she read every word. She kept thinking about how one day she thought about not having a bigger family with a partner like him. How he always demonstrated that he would be a safe place for her and yet she felt insecure about the possibility of being a mother to the fruit of that love. She then began to think that he might be right. Not seeking help would be repeating her mother's mistakes. Her fears and feelings were in an internal conflict that she alone could not understand. But while she accepted the need for therapy, she didn't like the idea. She didn't feel comfortable with the possibility of talking to a stranger about her feelings. And while she was thinking, Elena's image kept coming to her mind. Involuntarily, she picked up the phone and found herself calling her mother.

In New York, Elena was scared when she saw her daughter's name on her cell phone screen. Since Andy went to New York, they haven't spoken to each other. Pruit had updated her on the conversation he had with Andy, but her own daughter had not yet made any further contact. At that moment, Elena's heart sank. Her thoughts said that for Andy to be calling was a sign that something important might be happening. Then, she quickly answered her daughter with a worried voice:

Elena: Andrea? Everything is fine?

Andy: Um... yeah... I'm fine... I just...

Andy wasn't even sure what she wanted to say to her mother, but she felt like she needed Elena, so she got straight to the point:

Andy: You said you went to therapy. You said that's what helped you get out of depression...

Elena: Yes. I went to therapy and still do. Andy, are you depressed?

Andy: No. I just... well, I can't organize my feelings. I really want to forgive you and I can't. I want to be a mother and I'm afraid of repeating your mistakes. I have an amazing husband supporting me, but so did you and he still didn't notice your depression. I love my profession, but I also love the idea of having a bigger family, but I don't know if I'm capable of being a good captain and a good mother. I don't know what I should do.

After saying all of this in quick words, Andy began to cry. How could she be so confused? Just she was always fearless. She was the one who, since she was little, always knew what she wanted and when she wanted it.

Hearing her daughter's soft cry, Elena's heart broke. She wished she was close and could at least give Andy comfort at this moment.

Elena: Oh Andrea! I'm sorry for leaving you with so much trauma. I need to help you in some way so I can repair some of the pain I caused you.

Andy was silent listening to her mother.

Elena: Andrea, listen to my advice, not as your mother, because I know I lost that right, but as a woman who has faced the pain of depression. Get therapy now. Don't let things get worse and seek help.

Andy wiped away her tears and watching the sweet way Elena gave her advice, she felt like having her mother around. To have your mother's lap back in your daily life. Then she said:

Andy: I wish I had your hug right now.

Elena: If you allow me, I will go to Seattle. I will be by your side. I will give you all the hugs you need.

Andy: But do you feel ready to go back?

Elena: If I'm going to get my daughter back, there's nothing stopping me from going to Seattle.

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