Chapter 32

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Andy was still inside the school when they heard the explosion.

The explosion occurred because of the collapse of the roof at the front of the school, but the building itself was still standing, however, with its structure increasingly compromised.

Even though the area Andy was in hadn't suffered any damage. Robert was very worried and started calling her on the radio.

Robert: Herrera, is everything okay? Talk to me.

Andy: I'm leaving captain.

It didn't take long for Andy to leave, but to Robert it felt like an eternity.

When she was outside, he needed to warn her. So he was harsh with words.

Robert: Have you gone crazy Herrera?

Andy was startled by the timbre of Robert's voice. And she ended up replying too harshly.

Andy: I ​​saved the boy and that's what matters.

Robert: You could have gotten stuck in that window and made our job even more difficult. The space was enough for a child.

Andy: The space was enough for me too. I went in and out smoothly.

Robert: But I didn't give you permission for that.

Andy wasn't understanding if Robert was really mad at her or if he was just doing what they agreed to, about creating arguments in front of the team. But the truth was, Robert was furious in a way she'd never seen him.

She started to walk, leaving Robert talking to himself, and went to the ambulance to check on the health of the boy Miguel. The boy was fine, with no injuries. But to comply with protocol, Dean and Ben would take him to the hospital.

Andy went back to the 19 truck, where everyone was already waiting for her, including Robert. He was still frowning, and Andy preferred to remain silent, looking down the street. Everyone had observed the strange atmosphere since Andy had disobeyed Robert, but no one wanted to bring it up.

When they arrived at the station, Andy got out of the truck, slamming the door. She was walking towards the bathroom, when she heard Robert call her:

Robert: Herrera, in my office.

Andy: I'm going to take a shower captain and then I'll go to your office.

Robert: Herrera, I want you in my office right away.

Everyone watched the discussion and when Andy and Robert walked out to the office, they started talking.

Vic: I really wanted to see these two fight.

Travis: Me too. I would give anything to know what they are saying.

Ben: If the captain wanted to talk to Andy separately, it's because it's none of our business and we should respect it.

Vic: Oh! Are you going to tell me you're not curious and don't want to know what they're talking about?

Ben: No, I don't want to know what they're talking about. I'm going to take a shower and rest. That's what I want.

Ben left and left the rest of the team.

Maya: Andy's been really weird since this captain arrived. She has already given reason for punishment twice.

Dean: In all these years working together, I've never seen Andy disobey a captain's order.

Vic: Of course, until recently, the captain was her father. But now, she was already thinking that she would be captain of 19 and lost her spot. She is angry and will end up getting an even worse punishment if she doesn't change her ways and accept this new captain.

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