Chapter 54

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Pruit kept looking at his daughter waiting for her to say the reason why she invited him, but soon he noticed her silence and also noticed that she was looking at something behind him. Then he turned and saw Robert approaching.

As soon as Robert joined them, Pruit kept his face straight and said:

Pruit: What's going on here? That's not a coincidence, is it?

Andy: No dad, this is not a coincidence... but stay calm. We want to talk with you.

Pruit: I'm calm. I just want to understand what's going on. You called me here because you're getting married?

Andy and Robert were startled by Pruit's question, which was so direct. They still hadn't said a word and he already understood what was happening.

Andy: How do you know that's what we were going to say...or rather, why did you ask me that question? We'll explain everything to you... Don't get mad.

Pruit still wore his serious expression and looked intently at the two of them.

Pruit: First of all, there's no way not to notice the shine of that ring on your finger. It's clearly an engagement ring. And secondly, because you wouldn't call me here if it weren't for something as important as this.

Andy: Dad, Robert and I are engaged. We love each other and would like you to know that from us.

Robert: Pruit, I love your daughter. I'm sorry that until then we never talked about it, but we didn't know how to make our relationship public without jeopardizing our careers.

Pruit was silent, just listening to what they had to say. Then Robert continued:

Robert: I would like you to know that this is not an adventure and that Andy is the best thing in my life. Therefore, I would like to have your respect for us to take this important step in our relationship.

For the first time since arriving, Pruit gave a slight smile and said:

Pruit: Robert, you are a good man and I couldn't wish for anyone better to be by her side. I feel the truth in what you say about her and I know that you are a very upright man who would never propose to my daughter if you didn't have sincere intentions for her.

Robert had feared this moment so much, but he tried not to show it to Andy, so as not to make her even more apprehensive. But he was relieved to hear Pruit's words.

Andy, on the other hand, still couldn't believe what was happening. She was finding it strange how calmly her father was conducting that conversation. She prepared herself for fights, screams and arguments, but everything was happening very differently than expected. She didn't even recognize her father in that conversation.

Andy: Wait. You're not mad, you're not going to say anything about my career or fight me? The way you're acting seems like you already knew everything.

Pruit: Andrea, hija, I already knew that you were together for several months. I was just respecting your decision to keep your relationship private. Or do you really think I believed your lies about sleeping out so many times?

At that moment Andy laughed, because every day she invented a new lie for her father and she thought he was believing her.

Andy: So you lied to me too when you pretended you believed?

Pruit: Of course. I was playing your game. And I confess that I was having fun with your worst justifications.

Andy and Pruit were laughing as they remembered the lies. Robert, however, was embarrassed by this.

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