Chapter 65

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Andy: I want to be alone. Leave me. Go away.

Robert looked at her in disbelief at everything that was happening. He decided to respect her wish and so he left the house.

As they had gone in Andy's car, Robert took a taxi and returned to their house, leaving her car in Pruit's garage. All day long he kept himself preoccupied. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to respect her wish to be alone, but at the same time he was afraid of how she was going to handle it all. He was afraid she might do something crazy. He wanted to protect her, take care of her, but he wasn't going to change her mind about the fact that she didn't give Pruit the right to justify himself either.

At home, Robert decided to read a book, but he kept an eye on his cell phone in case Andy needed it. A few minutes later, his cell phone rang. It was Lucas.

Lucas: Hey Sully! Vic and I are close to your house and thought we'd visit you, would that be a problem?

Robert: It will be a pleasure to welcome you, however, Andy had to go to her father's house and I'm alone.

Robert didn't want to tell what had happened earlier, as it was something that only concerned Andy and her family.

A short time later, Lucas and Vic arrived at the house. They greeted their friend and the three stayed in the room talking. At all times Robert took out his cell phone to check if there was any message from Andy, but contrary to what he wanted, she had not sent him anything. He was worried about her. He feared that the letters contained information that could make her even more upset. Her concern didn't go unnoticed by Lucas and Vic.

Lucas: Is something going on?

Robert: I'm just worried about Andy. She's upset about some things and...

Lucas: Don't tell me you fought? After all you've fought to be together, I don't imagine you ever argued.

Robert: We don't fight. She just needed a few hours alone, but that's fine between us.

Robert lied not to expose something that was intimate with him and Andy.

Vic: Andy is like that. Sometimes she needs a moment to herself. I still can't believe she's been in a relationship this long and even more so married. She never liked being tied to anyone.

Lucas: My friend, this woman loves you very much and I'm sure she'll be back soon. She won't be able to stay away from you.

Robert: I hope it doesn't take too long to happen.

Meanwhile, at Pruit's house, Andy went to her old room, taking all the envelopes that had her name on them. She opened Elena's first letter.

"Hija, today you turn 18. Today you become an adult woman and so, the time has come for you to know your story. I am alive my daughter. I am living in New York and now that you are old enough to understand what happened to me, I would like to see you and tell you everything in person."

Andy opened another letter:

"My dear daughter, I heard that you joined the Fire Academy. You have no idea how happy I am for you. You are my pride. You have become a much better woman than I could have ever imagined. Oh! How I wanted to hug you today to celebrate. But since you haven't contacted me yet, I understand that you're still not prepared for our meeting. But I keep hoping that one day you will come to me and I will be able to explain myself to you."

Andy read each letter without being able to understand the truth of it all. She recognized her mother's handwriting. That was the same handwriting on a card she had always treasured. The written words also had the same sweetness and expressiveness that her mother always conveyed to her when she was alive. Part of her wished that those letters were real and that her mother was alive, but the other part of her didn't want to believe that her whole life was a lie and mainly a lie told by those she trusted most in her entire life: her father and her mother.

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