Chapter 6

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Looking at the ring in front of him, Andy heard Jack's question and thought, "Even if I don't feel the same way he does, I know that in time, I will learn to love Jack and we will build a beautiful family. I'm lucky to have a good, caring man lusting after me. I know that if we ever have children, he will be a wonderful father. What more can I wish for my future? "

Andy kissed Jack and held out her hand so he could put the ring on her finger.

Andy: I ​​didn't expect this Jack, but I'm glad. I do. I want to marry you. You're an amazing guy and I'm sure we'll build a beautiful family.

The station's alarm rang, summoning them to a massive fire downtown. The sound of the alarm snapped Andy back to reality. In fact, she was still looking at the ring, saying nothing, not showing any reaction. She was just thinking about all the possibilities. At first, she thought about accepting his request and imagined what a lifetime with Jack would be like, but later she felt that this would not be right with her own feelings as well as Jack's. However, she didn't know how to tell Jack that she didn't want to marry him, without hurting him and without shaking the friendship that existed between the two.

Jack stood in front of her waiting for an answer. An answer he wasn't prepared to hear. However, that conversation would be left for another time, as work awaited them.

As she headed for the fire, Andy couldn't stop thinking about what had happened minutes ago. Also in the truck were Maya and Ben. Maya knew a friend of hers and that expression meant there was something important going on.

Maya: Andy, what happened?

Andy didn't say anything.

Maya: Is it with Jack? Something serious?

Then Andy waved at Maya, showing her her ring finger. Soon Maya understood that he had asked her to marry him.

Maya: Did he ask you to marry him? Andy this is wonderful...

But before she finished what she was saying, she noticed that Andy's expression said otherwise.

Maya: We are not happy. And why would we stay? What got into him? You don't want it. Your focus is your work. And the fun is having sex in secret.

Maya tried to assuage her friend's despair, but it wasn't working. Finally they arrived at the scene of the fire and the matter was closed.

It was a very tiring and time-consuming rescue. It was difficult to put out that fire, but thanks to the work of the firefighters, there were no casualties and they were satisfied with the result of their efforts.

When they returned to the station, Jack went straight to his dorm. He didn't want to talk to anyone after what had happened between him and Andy.

Andy, on the other hand, felt she should talk to him. It wasn't fair for her to continue with Jack thinking about Robert. It wasn't her fault that she couldn't fall in love with Jack, but it wasn't right for her to insist on this relationship either.

Andy went to Jack's room and knocked on the door.

Andy: I ​​can come in.

Jack: ok

Andy: Jack, I'm sorry for earlier. I did not want it to be like this.

Jack: It wasn't supposed to be like this. You weren't supposed to find out. But I also see that you don't want what I want.

Andy: Jack I'm in a very confused moment. And I think we better stop here. I want to wish the same as you, but I can't.

Jack: Do you have someone else?

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