Chapter 25

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"Station 19, call for Aid Car and Engine, Seattle Airport. Gasoline leak in an aircraft on the ground, with passengers already on board."

When Andy heard the announcement, she let the glass she was holding fall out of her hand. Her heart sped up and she could only think that it was time for Robert to return to Montana.

Everyone noticed and was surprised by the way Andy acted.

Dean: Andy, are you okay?

Andy: What are all you waiting for? We have an urgent call. We will...

Everyone ran towards the vehicles.

Andy went in the truck. Next to her were Ben, who was driving, as well as Chief Ripley, Vic and Jack. The others were in the ambulance.

She was desperate with the possibility of an explosion happening and Robert getting injured or even dying. So, she was rushing Ben all the time.

Andy: Let's go Warren. 19 never took this long to get a call.

Ben: I'm sorry Herrera, I'm going as fast as I can.

Jack: Andy, I'm the captain today. I make the rules for my team.

Andy: So improve your leadership with the team, because if we keep slow like this, the worst could have happened before we got there.

Jack: He's driving at the speed we always do. There's nothing more he can do. And you've been very strange since we got this call.

The chief was aware of everything, but only watching Andy and Jack's actions. He didn't participate in the conversation.

Andy ignored what Jack was telling her. She took out her cell phone and texted Robert.


"Robert, tell me where you are and if you're all right."

She got no response from him. And that made her even more nervous, as she knew that passengers inside the aircraft would have received the warning to turn off their cell phones.

A few moments later, they arrived at the airport. Andy didn't wait for Jack's command. She ran out of the truck, without the rest of the team, carrying the foam hose. Immediately, she started spraying foam around the aircraft.

Jack was getting nervous about Andy's behavior, as he believed she was acting this way because of the captaincy dispute and wanting to impress the boss. But he didn't have time to argue with her. He gave orders to the others and they all got to work.

Andy remained in the role of foaming the fuel, but she kept an eye out for passengers being pulled out of the plane. Some were able to walk, others were transported on stretchers and wheelchairs. As attentive as she was, it wasn't all the passengers she could see.

The more time passed, the more apprehensive she became. She needed information from Robert, who until that moment had not replied to her message and had not left the aircraft either.

Some time later, they finished the tasks. Andy ran to the ambulance to check on the passengers.

Andy: Has anyone been seriously injured?

Dean: Some people are having difficulty breathing because they have become intoxicated from the strong smell of the fuel and will be taken to the hospital. The others were taken inside the airport and will be relocated on other flights. And there were no serious injuries.

For the first time since she got the call, Andy felt relieved. She realized that Robert wasn't among those to be transported to the hospital, but she wasn't sure where he was either.

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