Chapter 81 - Special Christmas

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Andy held Robert's hand tightly so they could hear the jury's decision.

Judge: The jury here finds the defendant innocent.

The judge also announced the sentence of the police officers involved.

Andy and Robert were very happy and decided to celebrate the result with dinner at their home. They invited the boy, his parents, his girlfriend and the lawyer. They also invited Andy's parents, Ryan and friends from the station, including Diane.

Before serving dinner, Robert decided to make a toast.

Robert: At no point in my life did I think I would be hosting a dinner at my house to celebrate that good overcame evil. That justice was done for the crime of racism. But today we are here for this reason and I want to thank everyone for participating here so that justice could be done. Thank you to all of you for taking care of me and my wife during all these days of sadness and anguish. I want to especially thank Jack, who had reasons for not wanting to help me, but he joined us and got the evidence that was fundamental to the outcome of this case. Therefore, I want to toast unity, sincere friendships and love. May we get together several times, but never again to celebrate the end of such sad and dark days.

Everyone raised their glasses and toasted, especially justice.

A few days passed and, now that they were happy again, Andy started to get excited about preparing a big Christmas party. She was dreaming about every detail of the party and prepared the decorations with great dedication. There were lights and Santa Clauses in every corner of the house. Robert thought it was an exaggeration, but he didn't say anything, because he liked to see her happy. One day, however, Andy had started a toy sled that ran around the house on its own to scare her husband, but contrary to what she thought would happen, Robert tripped. He was going to be angry about this, but Andy soon started laughing, leaving him completely surrendered to the Christmas atmosphere.

Robert: I should be mad at you, you know?

She walked over to her husband and gave him her hand to help him get up.

Andy: But you won't be mad because you love me.

When Robert stood, Andy gave him a soft kiss.

Robert: There are days when you abuse my love. If we continue with so much Christmas decoration in this house, there won't be room for the two of us.

Andy: Stop being exaggerated. There are only a few little things around the house.

Robert: Oh sure. There's even Santa Claus in the pool, even on snowy days.

Andy laughed, as she had found a Santa Claus wearing swimwear and thought it would be fun to leave him in the house's pool.

Andy: Are you going to tell me that Santa Claus in the pool isn't the cutest thing?!

Robert hugged his wife and with a smile he said:

Robert: Nothing is cuter than your joy. Only you can make me have such a Christmassy house. I only ask you to be careful not to trip over sleds that are moving around the house. I don't want you to get hurt.

Andy: I'm taking care of myself. Don't worry.

They then kissed and soon Andy went back to preparing all the decorations.

On Christmas Eve, Andy and Robert's house was full. All the friends from the station were present. Ryan also attended accompanied by his mother. Andy's family was complete for the first time in many years, as in addition to Elena and Pruit, she also invited her aunt Sandra, her uncle Johnny and her cousin Michele, people she hadn't seen since childhood.

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