Chapter 93

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The next morning, Andy got up much earlier than usual. She hadn't slept well. She tried to rest during the morning, but it was impossible. Part of her was worried about the possibility of Jade's fever returning and the other reason was the conversation she would have with Robert that morning.

Throughout the night, Jade remained fever-free, which left Andy calm enough to leave the house and leave her daughter to be looked after by her grandparents. So, as soon as she finished breastfeeding the baby, she decided to go home, as she needed to resolve her situation with her husband soon.

Andy arrived at the house about 1 hour earlier than she had agreed with Robert. She parked the car in front of the house and thought about how she should act. Ring the bell? Open the door with her key? This was her home, but at the same time, she was facing an uncomfortable situation with Robert that made her feel awkward opening the door immediately. So, she decided to ring the doorbell and wait for him to open the door. But that didn't happen. Nobody opened the door.

"He must still be sleeping. I arrived much earlier than agreed. Maybe I'd better go in and let him know I'm here." Andy thought as she unlocked the door and noticed a deep silence in the house. She went up to the couple's room and noticed that the door was open, making it possible to see that the bed was not only empty, but also made. "Maybe he's taking a shower." She thought again, as she entered the room announcing her arrival.

Andy: Robert?! I've arrived. I'm going in.

She had no response and didn't even hear the sound of the shower running. Then, Andy entered the room and noticed that it was also empty, as was the entire house.

"Maybe he went out to breakfast somewhere else, even if he doesn't usually do that." Once again her thoughts tried to understand what was happening.

Andy then decided to send a message on his cell phone informing him that she had already arrived.

Meanwhile at the hotel, Robert had woken up a few minutes ago before Andy's message arrived on his cell phone. He had showered, had breakfast and was finishing getting ready to go to meet Andy, anxious that this conversation could change the entire course of his story. "Will she understand what I did? And if she understands, will she still want to stay with me, even though I have a child that isn't hers?" Several possibilities raced through his mind as he tried to get ready as quickly as possible.

At home, Andy was trying to calm down and not think about the day she saw the email that hurt her so much. She needed to distract her mind because she didn't want to start the conversation feeling angry. She wanted to be light in heart and mind to give Robert a real opportunity to explain himself. So, she decided to do something that would take her mind to a place of calm. She decided to open the couple's photo album. She needed to hold on to the good things in that relationship to have a reason not to give up on him.

Andy looked at the couple's images and something caught her attention: Robert always had a smile and a passionate look. She couldn't deny that he was very much in love with her and that was clear in all the photos. She remembered the first photo, back in New York. Then came others like the first time she went to Montana, the trip to Brazil, their first Christmas together, the engagement and the wedding... There were also some photos of Andy pregnant and the most recent of all, which was the photo from the day Jade arrived home. Each page moved her because everything had been experienced with a lot of love. After visiting all the pages, she returned to one photo in particular. A photo from the wedding where there were just the two of them.

Andy was admiring that photo and didn't notice that Robert had arrived. He stood at the couple's bedroom door for a few seconds, watching what Andy was doing. She was staring at the photo and ended up saying to herself:

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