Chapter 18

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Robert returned to Montana and Andy still stayed the rest of the day on rest to recover from the accident that had occurred the day before.

The next day, Andy was back at work. As soon as she arrived at the station, she immediately went to her father's office.

Andy: Papi, I'd like to take a few days off.

Pruit: What's new with this Andrea? You never used your vacation days.

Andy: Oh! I want to go out for a bit to rest. Know new places.

Pruit: I'm glad you're wanting to enjoy your life a little. But who will go with you? Most of your friends are from here at the station and I can't release two of my firefighters on the same days.

Andy: I'm looking to take a trip by myself. I'm still choosing fate.

Pruit couldn't understand Andy's sudden desire to travel. He didn't understand why she wanted this trip alone, without any company. However, as her captain, it was only fair that he gave her the vacation days to which she was entitled.

Pruit: How many days do you need?

Andy: I ​​thought about 20 days.

Pruit: That many days? Where are you wanting to go?

Andy: I ​​want to visit some different country. New cultures... That's why I need many days.

Pruit: This story is weird.

Andy: Papi, I just want to do something different. Meet new things.

Pruit: Okay Andy, I'll give you vacation days, but promise me you'll call me every day.

Andy: I ​​promise.

Upon leaving Captain Herrera's office, Andy went to the mess hall. None of her friends had arrived yet. As she ate her breakfast, she searched the internet for some interesting destination so she could travel with Robert.

Minutes later, Maya arrived at the station with her new girlfriend, Carina.

Carina had only come in to help Maya carry some bags, but she took advantage of the fact that the station was still empty and that the shift hadn't started to be with Maya for a few more moments.

They noticed that Andy was visiting travel sites and Maya was curious:

Maya: I think someone is planning to travel. Who knew, Lieutenant Herrera will be absent from work.

Andy: I'm thinking of resting for a few days. But I still don't know where I want to go. I think about visiting some other country.

That news surprised Maya. In so many years of friendship, Andy had never shown an interest in traveling. She was always focused on working and taking care of her father.

Maya: I'm surprised. And may I know who you are going to take this trip with?

Andy: I'll go alone. My friends are you here at the station and it is not possible for any of you to accompany me.

Andy was enjoying this argument to avoid mistrust. Maya, who had known her for many years, was not believing that she would go alone, but even so she pretended to believe this story Andy was telling them. She knew that sooner or later, when her friend felt better, she would tell her. So, she decided to wait.

Maya: All right. We will then help you choose the destination of this mysterious trip.

Carina: I have a suggestion that I think you'll love.

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