Chapter 60

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When Andy got home, Robert greeted her with a kiss that was being filmed by Dixon in his car. Robert then went to Dixon:

Robert: You went too far Dixon. I should call the police on you for following my wife.

Dixon: Wife?

Robert: Yes. That's right you heard. My wife. You're bothering my wife at work and there's nothing I can do about it because you're one of our bosses, but putting her safety at risk and following her was beyond any acceptable limit.

Dixon smirked and said:

Dixon: Then call the police. Have you forgotten that I am also influential among the heads of the police department? I am waiting for you to call them and I will solve it in less than 1 minute.

Andy felt that Dixon was right. It wouldn't do any good for them to call the police, as Dixon would reverse the situation in his favor and could jeopardize Andy and Robert's situation.

Andy: Robert, let's go inside. It's the best thing to do.

Robert: This time I'm going to ignore what you did Dixon, but there won't be any next times. I will not be intimidated.

Dixon: There will be no next times because now I have all the material I need so that Herrera is not the captain of the 19. But I also think it would be easier for all of us if Herrera stepped down of her own accord. So I don't need to reveal your secret. It makes my life and yours easier.

Robert was furious at the tone of voice Dixon was using to threaten them.

Robert: We're not going to do that. She is the most competent person to take over 19. Unlike your son, who would be a danger to the entire team and to Seattle society. If you want to use the images against us, use them, but we won't give in to your blackmail.

Dixon: You're making what could be quite simple difficult. If Herrera resigns, only she will suffer. When these images are exposed to the entire department, both will be harmed. The choice is yours.

Andy still didn't know how Robert's meeting with the department had gone, nor did she know if he'd managed to tell their bosses about the wedding. She began to fear that Dixon might do something to Robert's career as well.

Andy: Robert, maybe better...

Before Andy concluded, Robert looked into her eyes and said:

Robert: We are not going to give in to blackmail. Trust in me.

She was calm after hearing that.

Andy: So let's go inside. I don't think we have anything else to do out here.

Robert: You're right. Lets go in.

Andy took Robert's hand and started to lead him into the house, but before entering, Robert took a step back, looked at Dixon and concluded:

Robert: Do what you want with these images. I trust my wife's competence to fairly and honestly earn the position she deserves.

Dixon: You guys picked the hard game, so don't cry about the consequences afterwards.

Robert turned his back ignoring what Dixon said and walked into his house accompanied by his wife. When they entered the house, Andy was anxious and soon asked:

Andy: The way you talked to Dixon, I'm guessing you went over well at the Department meeting.

Robert didn't quite know how to say it, but he wasn't going to lie to her.

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