Chapter 17

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Robert ignored Andy's message about Pruit being in the hospital with her. He immediately left for Grey Sloan. He could never stay at the hotel without really knowing what happened to the love of his life.

As soon as he arrived, he sought information about Andy from the hospital receptionist.

Robert: Good night. I'm looking for information about patient Andrea Herrera.

Receptionist: What are you to her?

Robert: Boyfriend.

Receptionist: I will inform her in her room that you wish to visit her.

Robert: I can't go in there. She is with her father in her room and he still doesn't know about our relationship. This is not the ideal time to introduce myself to him. I just want at least some conversation with the doctor in charge so I can be calm.

The receptionist was moved to see such a passionate and concerned man. So she decided what it would take to talk to Dr. Amelia.

Robert: Nice to meet you Dr. Shepherd. Sorry to bother you. I know you have a lot of patients to see, but I won't be able to rest easy without knowing how my girlfriend really is.

Amelia: What is the patient's name?

Robert: Andrea Herrera.

Amelia: Oh yes! She is very well. The exams did not show any injuries. She will stay in the hospital tonight just to comply with protocol for this type of accident. I can take you to her room. There are no restrictions on visits. You can stay with her as long as you like.

Robert explained to Amelia why he couldn't enter the room and Amelia decided to help him see his beloved.

Amelia walked into Andy's room and said,

Amelia: Mr. Herrera, I'm going to need to repeat some exams and for that reason, I need you not to be in the room during the procedures. We're going to be about 30 minutes, so you can go grab a bite to eat, and as soon as I'm done, I'll call you.

Pruit nodded and left the room. As soon as Pruit left, Andy said:

Andy: No need to repeat exams. I am fine.

Amelia: You really don't have to repeat the exams, but there's something more important for you to do.

Amelia left the room leaving Andy not understanding what she was doing. Soon after, Robert entered the room, making her understand why Dr. Shepherd asked Pruit to leave the room.

Andy: How did you get that? How did you get in?

Robert: Nobody can resist a man in love and worried about the love of his life.

Andy: I ​​can't resist either. And I'm craving a kiss from this passionate man.

Robert gave Andy a kiss and sat down in the chair beside the bed.

Andy: I ​​told you I was fine. No need to be worried.

Robert: Have you forgotten that I like to take care of you? Isn't that how we met and fell in love?

Andy: How would I forget? You didn't even know me and you were already there, taking care of me.

Robert: Now I'm more relaxed about seeing you and knowing you're okay. Tomorrow I need to return to Montana, but I want to see you before I leave. I want to make sure that everything is ok with you.

Andy: Come here. Sit here on the bed with me.

Robert sat beside her, letting her rest her head on his shoulder.

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