Chapter 7

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Andy was shaking and shaking hands with her friends as she waited for the results of the pregnancy test. If the result was positive, she would love that child and would do anything to be as good a mother as her father was to her. But at that moment, she wished the test would be negative. She couldn't deal with her own feelings about Robert and now the prospect of having a child was something that made her apprehensive and fearful.
The test result is ready.

Maya: The result came out. The test came back negative.

Despite getting the result Andy wanted, she still didn't feel relieved. She was still nervous.

Andy: I ​​want to go to the hospital and get a blood test. I will not trust this test.
Vic: Andy, calm down. These pharmacy tests rarely get the result wrong.
Andy: They rarely make mistakes, but that possibility exists. Our job is dangerous and if I'm pregnant, I need to know my limits.
Maya: Okay, we'll take you to the hospital.
They got dressed and headed to Grey Sloan, where they were greeted by obstetrician Arizona Robbins.
Arizona: Nice to meet you, my name is Arizona Robbins, how can I help you?
Andy: I ​​suspect I might be pregnant.
Arizona: Did you take the test at home?
Andy: I ​​did and the result was negative. But I want a medical evaluation. I'm a firefighter. If I'm pregnant, I need to take care of myself while working.
Arizona: I understand your concern, but if this test came back negative, the likelihood that you are pregnant is very low.

No words soothed Andy. She was still afraid. She knew she would only calm down after confirmation by the blood test.

Andy: But my period is 4 days late.

Yesterday I ate things I usually wouldn't eat, cried watching romance movies and was sick all night.

Arizona: All right. We'll do the blood test and also an ultrasound. The nurse will collect your blood and while we wait for the result, she will prepare you for the ultrasound. I'll be back soon.

The nurse took Andy's blood and took him to the ultrasound room. As she waited, Andy continued with racing thoughts: "I've always taken the pill. I don't remember forgetting a single day. But no method is 100% reliable. And if the result is positive, who do I talk to first? Jack? Robert? No, I barely know Robert. I can't tell him that maybe he's going to be a father when there's a possibility it's Jack's."
Her thoughts were interrupted with Arizona arriving with her test results.

Arizona: The blood test confirmed the negative result. Anyway, we're going to do the ultrasound just to make sure you're okay.

Andy breathed a sigh of relief for the first time.
Arizona performed the ultrasound and reported that Andy was fine.

Arizona: You're all right. This desire to eat unusual things and feel more emotional while watching the movie may be a reflection of some stress or anxiety crisis associated with hormonal changes that occur in all menstrual cycles. I believe that in the next few hours your menstrual cycles will be back to normal. As for nausea, you ate different foods from your routine. Your stomach is not used to it and reacted. I'm going to give you a medication for the nausea and what's more, you're free.
Andy returned home and felt much better after receiving the medication and especially the test results.

A few weeks later, station 19 was called to the rescue of two elderly people who had been in a car accident. The driver had lost control of the vehicle and the car had overturned. When firefighters arrived, the car was lying on its side, making it difficult for the driver to access it. Even so, it was possible to see that the driver was unconscious.
In the passenger seat was Miss Olivia. She was awake and conscious, but in a lot of pain from the impact of the accident. As Vic and Travis prepared the equipment to remove the vehicle's door, Andy and Ben were able to communicate with her through the window.

Ben: The lady is fine.
Olivia: I'm in a lot of pain, but I'm fine.
Ben: Is the driver your husband?
Olivia: No. Bob is an old friend.
Andy: Can you help us? Please place your fingers under his nose and try to feel if he is breathing.

Olivia did what Andy asked. She could feel his breath, but realized that it was very weak and so she began to cry.

Olivia: Yeah... he's breathing. But I don't know if he'll be able to keep breathing for long. It's very weak.

Andy handed Olivia a nasal catheter so they could provide Bob with supplemental oxygen.
Then Andy and Ben retreated so Vic and Travis could open the vehicle. After unlocking the door, Andy and Ben placed Olivia on a board and carried her to the ambulance. Despite the pain, she was feeling fine. So Ben got back in the vehicle to help Vic and Travis remove the driver.
While Andy did the bandages, Olivia couldn't stop crying. She was worried about Bob.

Andy: Try to calm down. My friends will do anything to save you.

Olivia calmed down a bit, but didn't take her troubled gaze to the vehicle. She could see that the firemen were having a hard time getting Bob out of the car. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but from their faces, she guessed the situation was pretty bad.
After a few minutes, Ben and Travis managed to get Bob out of the car, but he was already dead. Andy realized what had happened as her friends were covering Bob's body.

Andy: I'm sorry Olivia.
Olivia continued to cry over her friend's death. When she was a little calmer, she gave Andy some advice.
Olivia: Bob wasn't just my best friend. He's been the love of my life since we met. I never said this to him because I was afraid of not being reciprocated or of losing our friendship. The years went by and more and more I fell in love with him and more and more I was afraid to tell him the truth. Now it's hurting me that he's gone without me ever saying I love him. If you want advice from this old lady, never hold back your feelings. We don't know tomorrow.

The police had already arrived to release Bob's body. As there was nothing more for him to do, Travis, Vic, and Ben returned the ambulance so they could take Olivia to the hospital.

For the rest of the day, Andy thought about Olivia and Bob. And of course, she also thought about Robert. Every day she fell a little more in love with him. She didn't want to go through what Olivia went through: secretly loving a lifetime.
She decided that she would talk to Robert that very day. She didn't want to delay any longer. She didn't want to say that by text, but it was also impossible for them to meet since they lived so far away.
Since her father would be on duty and spending all night at the station, she could prepare something special for this moment. To that end, she sent a message to Robert, making sure he would be available too.

Hey Robert, how are you? Will you be busy tonight?
Hey Andy! It's ok and I hope it's ok with you too. I'll be home tonight.
OK. I will send you a message later.
Robert did not understand what was happening and returned to his activities.

Meanwhile, Andy had already finished her workday, but he was still at the station.
She walked into her father's office and accessed the United States Fire Department's system. This system, exclusively for captains or higher positions, contained information about the country's firefighters. Andy searched for Robert's name and was able to access her file. She found his address there. It was all she needed.
As she was finishing her notes, she was surprised by Pruit entering the room.

Pruit: What are you doing on my computer?

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