Chapter 62

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During that shift Robert tried to surreptitiously look for Andy to figure out how she was going to get home, since her car had a flat tire and they had gone to the station together. Every time Robert saw her throughout the day, she was always accompanied by one of her friends, which made communication between them difficult. But Andy knew her husband very well and she knew he needed to talk to her. So after dinner, when the whole team had gone to bed, Andy went into Robert's office.

Andy: Are you wanting to talk to me?

Robert: Yes. We need to define how we will return home, since you are without your car.

Andy: Well, I'm thinking of going to my dad's house to tell him about the promotions. I can take a taxi and then I'll go to our house.

Robert: I'd like to visit your dad with you, if you don't mind.

Andy: Of course I don't mind. I love it when you are closer to us.

Robert: So we met at your dad's house.

Andy: Deal.

Andy was about to leave the room, but before that she turned to say:

Andy: Good night my love. Sleep well.

Robert: Good night. I love you.

Andy then went to her room.

The next morning, as soon as their shift ended, they went to Pruit's house. As soon as Pruit opened the door, he was happy to see them.

Pruit: Oh! What a good surprise. My daughter and son-in-law visiting at this time of the morning.

Andy: Good morning daddy. I was looking forward to seeing you.

Andy hugged her father and went into the house. Robert also greeted Pruit and soon joined Andy taking a seat on the sofa.

Pruit: If you've been looking forward to seeing me, I imagine you have some news to tell me. Don't tell me I'm going to be a grandfather anytime soon.

Andy laughed at what her father said.

Andy: No dad. You will not be a grandfather.

Robert: For now.

Robert completed what she said to probe how Andy would react. She opened a smile, took her husband's hand and concluded.

Andy: Yes. A baby is not in our plans for now, but we will want children at the right time.

Pruit: You are right. Make the most of the first few months of your marriage.

Andy: We're doing it.

Pruit: So what's the reason you guys came here by surprise?

Andy: We wanted to tell you that we've both been promoted. As of Saturday, I will be captain of the 19 and Robert will be battalion chief.

Pruit: Oh my God!!! What a wonderful new. I'm very happy for you two. Congratulations.

Robert: Thank you. We are also happy and we insist on your presence at our inauguration ceremony for new positions and also at the party that we will hold that night to celebrate.

Pruit: I wouldn't miss it for anything. Now I can define my trip to Puerto Rico. My daughter is already married and in a short time she will have the position that we both dreamed of. There's nothing else holding me back from making this trip.

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