Chapter 77

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Andy was silent when she heard Lucas saying that Robert had left the Department a long time ago. Her heart sank. She felt like something serious was happening and all she needed was to know if he was okay.

Lucas: Andy.. Andy... are you there?

Andy came back into focus when Lucas started calling her.

Andy: Yes... I'm here. My heart is heavy Luke. I'm not prepared to suffer again.

Lucas: Calm down. I'm going to call the Department and ask them to investigate if there is a call going on with someone matching Sully's characteristics.

Andy: And I'm going to call Dr. Bailey and ask if he's been admitted to the hospital.

Lucas: Great. Do this and try to stay calm. I'm sure it's just something unforeseen and we'll find it soon.

Andy hung up the phone and contacted Dr. Bailey. Bailey checked Gray Sloan's system that Robert was not at the hospital and that there were no unidentified patients there. Noticing Andy's distress, Bailey set out to contact all the hospitals in Seattle and would soon call Andy back with more information.

While waiting for Lucas and Bailey's calls to return, Andy paced back and forth with her cell phone in her hand. She was increasingly distressed. A few minutes later, Andy heard her phone ring. It was Ryan.

Andy: Hi Ryan. I can't talk now.

That was the only sentence she said and she immediately hung up the call to leave her phone available for the calls she was waiting for. However, Ryan insisted on calling.

Andy: Ryan, I already told you I can't talk right now.

Ryan: It's about Robert.

When Andy heard those words, her legs wobbled. And she sat on the sofa.

Andy: Where is he? You are with him? He is fine? Come on Ryan, say something...

Ryan: Calm down Andy. You didn't let me talk. Robert is at the police station.

Andy: What's he doing at the police station? Why doesn't he answer me?

Ryan: I still don't know what happened, but he was just arrested and is waiting to talk to the police chief.

Andy: Robert, arrested? No... this is not the time to make jokes Ryan...

Ryan: This isn't a joke.

Andy: You must have been confused. It's certainly not him.

Ryan: Andy, I'm sure it's him. He himself asked me to call you. I'll look for more information, but I think you'd better come here.

Andy noticed that Ryan was becoming more and more serious and decided it was best to go to the police station immediately. She then hung up the phone and contacted Lucas informing him that Ryan had given him news about Robert and that she was going to the police station.

Lucas: Andy, you're very nervous and it's not safe for you to drive like this. I'll go with you. In 5 minutes I will be at your house.

Andy: Thanks Luke.

Lucas: Try to stay calm. Sully is the most correct man I know. He wouldn't do anything wrong enough to get arrested. He probably just exceeded the speed of the car and was caught by the police.

Andy: I hope you're right, but my heart is telling me not to calm down.

They ended the call so Lucas could drive. While waiting for Lucas to arrive, Andy called Dr Bailey and informed her that Robert had already been located.

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