Chapter 51

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The next morning, Pruit was desperate to see his daughter in such a condition. He had already tried every resource to get her to eat, but Andy remained in a state of shock. Without showing any reaction.

He then decided to ask for help. The day before he had observed how fundamental Robert's presence was, and then, not quite knowing how to say it, he had just called Robert.

Pruit: Robert, I'm sorry to bother you during working hours, but I need your help.

Robert didn't understand why Pruit called him to ask for help, but just imagining that Andy needed him made his heart sink.

Robert: Is it about Andy?

Pruit: Yes. Can you come to my house, please?

Before Pruit even finished saying, Robert already had the car keys in his hand and was walking towards the exit of the station.

Robert: I'm already on my way.

While driving, Robert initiated a call to Lucas, leaving his cell phone on speakerphone.

Robert: Luke, I need your help.

Lucas: What's going on?

Robert: I need to see how Andy is doing. Can you replace me at the station?

Lucas: I asked you to stay away from her and you're doing just the opposite. At any moment the department people could arrive at the station and they won't find either of you.

Robert: I know the risk we're taking, but Andy is not well and I can't leave her alone right now. Can you help me?

Lucas: All right. I'll stay at 19 and hope Dixon and his team don't show up there today.

Robert: Thank you.

A few minutes later, Robert arrived at Pruit's house.

Pruit: Since what happened yesterday, she's still in shock. She doesn't speak, doesn't react, hasn't eaten anything and hardly slept last night. Yesterday, Maya and Vic came to help me and managed to give her a bath, but she didn't show any interaction with the girls. I've never seen my daughter like this. The only person I know who could bring her back is just Ryan. But since you're friends now, I thought maybe you could give it a try.

Robert: I'll talk to her.

Pruit: Her room is the second door upstairs. I'll take advantage of you being here and go to the supermarket. I didn't want to leave her alone in those conditions.

Robert: You did right. I will stay with her until you return.

Before Pruit left, Robert still said.

Robert: Would you allow me to prepare something in your kitchen for her to eat?

Pruit: Of course. Make yourself at home.

Pruit left the house and Robert first went to see how Andy was doing. When he got to the bedroom door he saw Andy lying totally curled up in the fetal position. She had a stare fixed on the wall. Robert approached the bed, removed his shoes and lay down behind her, wrapping his arm around her.

Robert: My love, I'm here with you.

Saying nothing, Andy turned and rested her head on Robert's chest. He gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Robert: I know you're hurting a lot and it hurts me to see you like this. If I could take this pain away from you... Do you even want to talk? Tell me what you're feeling...

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