Chapter 11

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Robert, after listening to the conversation between Andy and Pruit, decided to hang up the phone and his mind just thought that the time had come to end the relationship with her. He would never accept being with a woman who is involved with another man.

Meanwhile, at Andy's house, the conversation with her father continued.

Andy: Papi, I know Jack is a good person. For one moment, I really tried to fall in love with him, but I couldn't. He's just a friend. I cannot and do not want to marry a friend. One day I want to marry someone I truly love, just like you and Mami did.

Pruit: It's okay Andy. I understand you. I really enjoyed seeing you two together, but I want you to be happy and to find your true love one day. I love you and support your decision.

Pruit went out into the backyard and Andy remained alone in the kitchen. She sent a message to Robert:


"I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye. I didn't want my father to hear us."

Robert received the message and decided not to respond. He was hot-headed and didn't want to say anything he might regret later. He was very hurt and just wanted to finally go to his boxing class to take out his anger.

Andy was surprised Robert hadn't given her an answerbut she thought he might be driving to work. So she went to get ready for work too.

That day, Andy checked her cell phone several times, but none of them had a message from Robert. He was probably having a rough day at work, she thought.

When night came, Andy was ready for bed and sent her "good night" text.


"Goodnight my love. I missed you all day. I hope you had a good day. I love you and I miss you."

Robert thought about not answering, but it was already a ritual for him to bless Andy's night. So he just said:


"Good night Andy. I'm tired. We talk tomorrow."

Andy thought that message was cold and was a little worried, but decided to respect his request to talk only the next day.

That nigth, neither of them could sleep. Andy kept thinking about Robert and couldn't understand why he'd been absent all day and still been cold to her in the only message he ever sent her.

Robert was restless in his office bed. He tried to understand everything he had lived with Andy and also that conversation between her and Pruit. The pieces didn't fit. Andy seemed so in love with him and now that whole lie was coming out.

In the early hours of the morning, the station's alarm rang and Robert went to a big call. Part of an 18-story building had collapsed in the center of town. Many families were among the victims and he soon realized that the work would be time consuming.

In the morning, Andy tried calling Robert. She couldn't take all this anguish anymore. She needed to know what was going on with their relationship. But Robert was involved in rescuing the victims and did not respond.

Robert's team was working with the part of the building that was still intact. They evacuated families through windows and stairs in the south wing. It was risky work, as a new collapse could occur.

And so it happened. As the last family was still being evacuated, the building began to collapse. There were 3 firefighters inside and the 5 residents of the apartment.

Newspapers across the country began reporting the building's collapse, and Andy updated the news on her cell phone every minute. When she learned that there were 3 firefighters still among the rubble, her heart raced and she began to feel short of breath.

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