Chapter 83

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After the period of nausea passed, Andy was increasingly happy with the pregnancy. She was loving watching every little growth of her belly and everything was recorded in the photographs taken by Robert. He was finding his wife more beautiful every day and her smile was becoming more and more passionate.

Every day they didn't have to work, they took the opportunity to exercise together, according to medical authorization. They liked to walk in open areas in the morning, as they loved contact with nature. One day, on one of these walks, Andy and Robert began planning what the baby's room would look like.

Robert: We could go to the store and buy what we need.

Andy: I'm excited to start shopping, but I think it would be best if we wait until we know if it's a girl or a boy so we can make some personalized decorations.

Robert: You women have a lot of details to think about. I just imagined a crib and a closet for us to put our clothes. I also thought about a shelf with some toys.

Andy: Robert, don't come and decorate our baby's room like you decorated your apartment in Montana.

She remembered that there was nothing in that apartment other than the basics for survival.

Andy: We need some really cute wallpaper. I also want some paintings and some accessories with the baby's name. We will need the entire crib kit to match the decor. We have many things to choose from.

Robert: I can already tell that I'm going to get tired of visiting so many baby stores.

Andy: I'm sure you'll complain now, but then you'll want to buy all the cute things in the store.

Robert: Even I imagine that myself.

He laughed, because just the day before he had visited a baby clothes website and found them all so beautiful that he wouldn't know which one to choose.

Andy: On Friday we have an appointment with Carina and she will be able to tell us the sex of the baby.

Robert rubbed his head worriedly. He did not remember this appointment and had scheduled a meeting with the team at station 23. It was a meeting that could not be postponed, as the team was having a lot of problems and he needed to train them.

Robert: I forgot about this appointment.

Andy: But you'll be there, right? I want you by my side in these important moments for our child.

Robert: I have an important meeting, but I will try my best to get there on time.

Andy was sad. Clearly, her expression of disappointment appeared on her face. It was the ultrasound where she was most keen on his presence.

Andy: Wow Robert, this appointment has been scheduled for several days. I don't want to go without you. I'm carrying our child, but all baby news belongs equally to both of us.

Robert: I promise you I'll be there.

Robert didn't know what he was going to do to keep his promise, but he knew he would have to be with his wife at this special moment.

When Friday arrived, they both went to work early. Before leaving the house, Andy reinforced with Robert:

Andy: Don't forget your late afternoon appointment. And we also have that dinner with my parents. You remember they invited us, right?

Robert: Don't worry. I will be present in the two commitments I made with you.

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