Chapter 34

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After making love in the office bathroom, Andy and Robert were getting dressed when they heard a knock on the door.

They looked at each other and Robert saw the nervousness in Andy's eyes.

Andy: Is it the boss? If he sees me here he might be suspicious of both of us.

Robert: Calm down. I believe it's not Lucas. He didn't tell me he was coming to the station today.

Andy: Anyway, whoever it is, we need to cover it up.

Robert quickly changed into his uniform while Andy, who had already finished dressing, went to the office and started digging through some files for cover.

As Robert approached the door to open it, he heard Jack's voice calling to him. They were a little calmer knowing it was Jack, but since Robert was aware of Jack's jealousy of Andy, he wondered if Jack had seen them walk into the office together.

Robert opened the door and Jack, wondering how long it took to be answered, quickly looked into the room and saw that Andy was rummaging in the office closet, still wearing regular clothes, without having put on her work uniform.

Then, without thinking straight, he was already asking with a higher tone of voice.

Jack: What is Herrera doing here not ready for work? What's going on here?

Robert was infuriated by Jack's comment.

Robert: What do you want, Gibson? I'm sure you didn't come to my office to keep an eye on Herrera. Or came? And what's happening here is very simple, haven't you noticed?

Jack was surprised by the captain's tone of voice, but he wasn't intimidated and kept looking at Andy and Robert.

With no patience for Jack's jealousy, Robert soon said:

Robert: Of course Lieutenant Herrera is here to help me.

Jack: And why did it take so long to open the door.

Robert: Lieutenant Gibson, I will not allow you to come to my office to disturb me or to disturb Lieutenant Herrera. Lieutenant Herrera was explaining to me about filing important reports and you're getting in our way.

He replied in a snappy tone.

Andy, who was still pretending to look for a file in the closet, took advantage of the fact that her back was turned to contain her laughter after Robert's answers.

Jack realized he had exaggerated his lines.

Jack: Sorry captain. In fact, I came to let you know that we need to order new uniforms. Captain Herrera used to place orders that month. I thought it was important to pass this information on to you.

Robert: Okay. Thank you for letting me know.

Andy could see that it was approaching inspection time and she still needed to change. Then, with Jack still in the room, she made a show of getting out without arousing suspicion.

Andy: Captain, I found the document you asked for and I'm leaving it on your desk. Excuse me.

Robert: Thank you Lieutenant Herrera for letting me know about Montgomery's absence from today's shift and for locating the document I needed. See you two at the inspection.

Robert said and then closed his office door so he could finish getting ready.

As soon as she left the captain's office, Andy noticed that Jack was following her. At first she didn't mind, as they were both heading to the same place. However, as they started up the stairs, Jack questioned her:

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