Chapter 94

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In love and happy in their bed, Andy and Robert lived the moment of reconciliation after the terrible days they were apart. They were enjoying being there, alone, loving each other, but they were also missing Jade with the couple and so, they got ready to pick up the baby from her grandparents' house.

When they saw the couple arrive hand in hand, Elena and Pruit were happy for them and made sure that the family had lunch together that day, where they remained until the end of the afternoon. When sunset approached, Andy, Robert and Jade went to the edge of the beach to enjoy the view. That family moment was very pleasant.

That night, for the first time since Jade was born, Robert was able to sleep and rest his mind. He had a healthy daughter in his home, his wife by his side, and no secrets trapped in his mind about Anthony's existence. Robert slept so deeply that he didn't notice when Andy woke up in the early hours of the morning to breastfeed Jade, and even when the alarm clock rang in the morning, he still continued sleeping.

Andy realized that he hadn't woken up and decided to call him, as he needed to go to work.

Andy: Good morning, my love. Your alarm clock has already gone off.

Robert: I need 5 more minutes.

Andy: Okay.

She kissed him on the cheek and went to Jade's room to check if everything was ok with the baby. Jade had already woken up and it was time to breastfeed her again. Andy stayed in the baby's room breastfeeding and, when she finished, she went back to her room, taking the baby with her. When she arrived in the room she noticed that Robert was still sleeping. So, she hurried to wake him up, as he would be late at the Department.

Andy: Robert, wake up. You will be late.

Robert picked up the clock that was next to his bed and checking the time, he hurriedly got up. I'm late.

Andy: While you get dressed, I'll make you something to eat.

Robert: There won't be time to eat anything. I need to leave the house immediately.

He hurriedly went to the bathroom to get ready, and Andy ignored what he had said and quickly prepared a coffee in the coffee maker and put together a bag with some fruit, bread and processed juice that was in the fridge.

When Robert came downstairs, ready to leave, Andy handed him what he had prepared.

Andy: Take this. So you can eat at work.

Robert: Thank you.

He gave his wife a kiss of thanks.

Andy: And please, I know you're late, but don't drive too fast. Your life is very important to me and your children.

Robert: I'll drive carefully. I promise. I love you.

Andy: I love you too.

He gave his wife another kiss and headed to the Department.

When he arrived at the Department, Lucas was already looking forward to Robert's arrival.

Lucas: The meeting will start in 10 minutes. I was already worried about your delay.

Robert: Meeting? What meeting?

Lucas: Didn't you see the email that was sent yesterday?

Robert: No. I confess that yesterday I didn't see anything related to work. Andy and I finally had our talk and everything is fine between us again. I dedicated yesterday to my family.

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