Chapter 15

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All week, Robert thought about his next trip to Seattle, next weekend. He no longer feared his emotions in that city, but he knew he still had things from his past to sort out.

Despite knowing that Andy would be working part-time that Saturday, Robert chose to head to Seattle in the morning. He was determined to find his friend Lucas and try to have the conversation they never had. It wouldn't be easy, he knew, but he had to try.

As soon as he arrived in Seattle, he left his suitcase at the hotel, hailed a cab, and drove to Lucas' house. This time, he didn't hesitate. He rang the bell and waited to be answered. He was nervous and went around in circles. It took about 1 minute for the door to open, but to him it felt like 1 hour had passed.

When Lucas opened the door, he was startled by this unexpected visitor. Many years had passed without at least one word from the friend and now he was on his doorstep.

Both were silent. Both were nervous. Both were afraid of the feelings that this meeting might arouse.

Robert decided to break the silence.

Robert: Um... I'm not sure what I mean, but I thought I should look for you.

Lucas: I thought you'd never come back to Seattle.

Robert: I thought so too. But I had to come this weekend to settle some things in town.

Robert couldn't reveal his relationship with Andy, after all, Lucas was her chief.

Lucas was wearing his work uniform and Robert realized that he might not have come at the right time.

Robert: I see you were on your way to work. I think I better go.

Lucas: No... Wait. If, after all these years, you've come to my house, it's because you have a reason.

Robert: I thought we could talk.

Lucas: I need to pick up some documents at a station, but you can accompany me and then we'll go to a restaurant.

Robert: ok.

They barely spoke during the journey. It was better to wait when they had a little more time.

When Lucas parked the car, Robert immediately read the sign announcing Station 19. He knew Andy would be on work hours and was unsure whether it would be a good idea to enter that location. Andy was aware that he would be in town in the morning, but Robert wondered if she would be uncomfortable seeing him at her work without telling her.

Robert: I'll wait for you in the car.

Luke: Let's go in. Captain Herrera won't mind your presence.

Robert tried to stay in the car, but was persuaded to get in. They went straight to the captain's office, where Pruit and Andy were.

When Andy saw that Robert was accompanying Chief Ripley, her heart sped up. She was surprised and at the same time tense by that visit.

Lucas: Captain Herrera, this is Captain Robert Sullivan from Montana. He is temporarily in town and has come to accompany me. Any problem for you if he stays here with us?

Pruit: No problem at all, Chief. Make yourself comfortable Captain Sullivan.

Lucas: And this is Lieutenant Andrea Herrera.

Andy and Robert shook hands with each other. They pretended not to know each other, but that touch of their hands conveyed the warmth they both felt and the desire to be together soon.

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