Chapter 68

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Flashback - September 11, 2001

When the twin towers of the World Trade Center were attacked, New York's firefighters alone were not enough for such a disaster. The best teams from other states were summoned to offer the necessary reinforcement. Of course, Station 19 from Seattle was among the teams sent to New York. By this time, Pruit had already been promoted to captain and was already showing the first signs that he would be an extraordinary captain.

The first day of work was very intense and exhausting. There was no time for interaction between teams. Everyone was very focused on their tasks and fighting against time to rescue as many victims as possible.

The following morning, the teams were instructed to go to the camp to rest, while other teams would take over the day's tasks. When Pruit got into the 19 truck, he soon saw a woman leading a fire crew who got into the truck next to his. He thought it could be fatigue that was confusing the image he saw, but he was sure he knew that woman. His mind couldn't be fooled. Elena was so close to him. So he jumped out of the truck and didn't even respond to his co-workers where he was going. He just followed his intuition and went to her.

Pruit: Elena?!

Elena's back was turned, but she would never fail to recognize that voice.

Pruit: Elena?!

He called again.

On shaky legs, she turned to face a reality that was a mixture of longing and fear. Of desire and pride. She didn't know what was going to happen in the next few minutes, but she needed to see him.

Elena: Pruit.

Pruit: I thought I'd never see you again.

Elena was going to answer, but her team started calling her.

Firefighter: Captain Herrera.

At that moment, both Pruit and Elena glanced at the truck, as they were both used to being called that. But soon Pruit understood that he wasn't the one the firefighters were calling.

Firefighter: Can we follow? We are all tired.

Elena: One moment. I'm going.

Then, turning to Pruit, she heard:

Pruit: Captain?! Glad you got what you wanted so much. Your career.

Elena felt the weight of Pruit's words and it caused her a pain that she hadn't felt so bad in months. She loved that man and hearing his voice hurt was something that made her feel guilt and a strong desire to apologize.

Elena: Can we talk? Look, keep my card. It has the address of my apartment. Come find me this afternoon.

Pruit didn't respond to Elena's proposal but took the card she handed him. So, before getting into the truck, she still insisted.

Elena: I need to go, but please come see me this afternoon. I have a lot to tell you.

Both followed with their teams. Both spent the next few hours completely dispersed from the world they lived in. While everyone else turned their minds to the moment of the twin towers tragedy, Pruit and Elena turned their minds only to each other and both to their daughter.

Pruit tried to rest in his camp, but he couldn't. So he took the card and stared at it, working up the courage to do what needed to be done. He left the camp, took a taxi and went to the address on the card.

When Elena opened the door and saw him, she felt her heart pound.

Elena: Thanks for coming. In between.

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