Chapter 80

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Authors' note: This chapter has not yet been revised. The current translation is according to Google translator. We will make the corrections within a few hours. Therefore, don't be surprised if there is an error in the gender of the characters, as Google often considers Andy as a male name and the same happens with other names.

The date for the hearing in defense of the boy arrested with Robert was approaching. In less than a week he would be tried and they had found little evidence to exonerate him. The feeling that time was running out had taken away Robert's sleep that night. Everyone at the station noticed him looking tired and completely scattered in the last few days, but that morning, he was even more so. Nobody knew the real reason and everyone was speculating why he was like this. Some thought it was because of the nights of love with his wife, others thought it was because the Department was demanding too much from him. There were also people who thought that Andy was snoring and that was why he hadn't slept well.

Before the shift started, Vic was watching the couple when Robert had dropped his wife off at the station. Curious, as always, as soon as he left, Vic decided to ask Andy what was going on.

Vic: Hmm Herrera, you and the boss were enjoying last nigth a lot, huh?! He is clearly very tired and showing that he hasn't slept that night.

Andy: He didn't really sleep last night, but I'd prefer it to be for that reason you're thinking.

Vic: If it wasn't for a long night of love, why was it? Is there something going on?

Andy: Robert is worried about defending the boy who was arrested with him that day. So far, the only evidence they have is the video that shows the police arresting the two. This video was taken by a person who was at the scene and later published it on the internet. But that doesn't prove the boy's innocence. This video does not show that the boy was not even inside the store or the cruel way in which he was approached.

Vic felt a lump in his throat as he knew what was happening. She wasn't there, but she knew that if the black community didn't come together, this boy could suffer a new injustice, and this time even more severe.

Vic: And how can we help?

Andy: I don't know. I just know that it's distressing to see time passing and we have nothing more than this video.

Vic was upset by the situation and decided that she would help them.

Vic: Andy, will you allow me and one other person on our team to be away for a few hours? I won't be at peace if I don't try to help them.

Andy: Today is a quiet day at the station. I can release you, but I think it will be useless. Robert has already tried every way.

Vic: Just let me try too.

Andy: Okay. You can go, but keep the radio on. If there is a big call, I need you to return.

Vic: Okay.

Vic went to the locker room, where Dean, Ben and Jack were getting ready to start their shift. She told them what was happening and they all felt bad for not helping sooner. Vic commented on the idea she had and said that she had Andy's permission for one of them to accompany her. Dean and Ben volunteered immediately, but as only one of them could go, it was agreed that Dean would go. As they were leaving the locker room to look for evidence, the station's alarm sounded. It was an ambulance call.

Dean: I'm in the ambulance today.

Ben: Me too. Let's go.

With no time to respond, Dean and Ben left the locker room and went to the ambulance to respond to the call. Vic understood the urgency for the two of them to leave, but she was still disappointed to learn that they would no longer go with her. As she watched the two men leave, she felt a hand touch her shoulder.

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