Chapter 59

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Robert and Andy arrived in Seattle after their honeymoon. They were a little apprehensive about going home together, but then they allowed themselves to experience it. It was dawn when they arrived and it would certainly be bad luck if anyone saw them at that time. So they went to Robert's car, which was in the airport parking lot.

Andy: And how do we do tomorrow? We still can't get to the station together. We haven't talked to our bosses yet.

Robert: I had already thought about it and asked your father to drive your car to our house. So, tomorrow we will go to work in separate cars.

Andy: I really don't know why I ask you certain questions when I should have gotten used to you always planning everything.

Robert gave a slight smile.

Robert: And if everything goes well at the Department meeting, tomorrow we can reveal to everyone about our marriage. And so, we will no longer need to go to work separately.

Andy: Well, I was coming up with an idea for when we're going to tell everyone, and if you agree with me, we're still going to need to keep this secret for a few more days.

Andy told Robert how she wanted to reveal her marriage and Robert immediately thought it was an excellent idea.

A few minutes later they arrived home quite tired, but very happy. They just took a shower and went to sleep, as in a few hours they should be ready for a new workday.

The next day they had an intense day at the station. Many calls occurred that shift and they saw little of each other. Robert had a department meeting later that afternoon, and he had arranged for Andy to come along so they could explain their relationship to their bosses. However, close to the time of the meeting, Andy received a call. She was working on the ambulance with Dean.

A child had fallen from a ride in the school playground and was injured. At first, the call was calm, as the girl had only mild injuries to her skin and was experiencing pain in her arm that could be a fracture. Andy and Dean were doing all the necessary steps to transport the child safely. However, when they were finishing the immobilization on the stretcher, she had a seizure and they needed to stabilize the frame before transporting her.

The child's teacher was very nervous, because she felt guilty for what happened and, therefore, she was trying to talk to Andy and Dean all the time.

Teacher: Please save her life. I swear it's not my fault. I was watching the children playing, but there are a lot of children running and jumping at the same time. And when she fell off the swing, I came as fast as I could to her rescue.

Andy felt sorry for the teacher, but she couldn't prioritize this while the child was still convulsing. So, she and Dean continued their work while listening to the teacher crying with concern. At the same time, another teacher had taken the other children into a classroom and the principal was calling the little girl's parents.

Once they got the seizure under control, Andy and Dean took the child to the ambulance and asked the principal to have the parents meet them at Grey Sloan.

Teacher: Can I go with her in the ambulance?

Andy: I was going to ask the director to accompany us, as we need someone responsible for her, but if you prefer, you can come with us.

The director agreed that the teacher would accompany them and so they headed towards the hospital.

Dean was driving and Andy was behind, next to the child and the teacher, monitoring if she would have another seizure. Since the child was fine, Andy and the teacher were able to talk.

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