Chapter 16

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The nigth had been too intense for Robert. After the strong emotions of the previous day, he had cried at night because he felt betrayed. He clearly saw Jack and Andy kiss and there was no doubt in his mind that they were still in a relationship. He couldn't forget that scene and the more he remembered it, the more it hurt.

On the other hand, he also had an inexplicable desire to be with Andy. To have her by his side and to be able to tell her about his rapprochement with Ripley and how he now felt good in Seattle, free from all the trauma he brought from his past. Andy wasn't just his great love. She was also his best friend. It was to her that he always told all the news of her life. It was with her that he wanted to celebrate all his achievements and also share his most difficult moments. He no longer knew how to live in a world that Andy was not a part of. She was his world and his motivation for living.

When day came, Robert woke up, took a shower, and tried to cool off. His heart was a little calmer and it was telling him that Andy should have a good explanation for what he saw. He realized that he should give her the chance for a conversation. He didn't want to believe that this would be the end of the intense, overwhelming love he felt for her.

So he had breakfast at the hotel and then got into a taxi and drove to Andy's house. The taxi parked in front of the house and Robert could see that she was sitting on the bench on her porch.

Andy looked at her cell phone with a sad face, which showed that she was tired of crying. From the way she swiped her finger across the screen, Robert understood that she was looking at pictures and most likely they were pictures of the two of them together. Despite everything, he was saddened to see her sad. So he took out his cell phone and sent her a message.


"I'm in the taxi standing outside your door. Let's talk?"

Andy looked at the cab and saw him. She was very upset with him and decided that she would not and would not respond to the message. He'd shown the day before that he didn't trust her and once again didn't give her the opportunity to explain herself. Robert was not fulfilling what they had agreed to months ago and that was painful.

Robert realized that she ignored him and decided to send one more message.


"Andy, please. I know you are reading this message. I was wrong not to give you the opportunity to have a conversation. My head can't forget what I saw yesterday, but my heart tells me to look for you, to talk. Let's go to the hotel, please."

Andy read the message and headed for the taxi. She got into the car without saying anything. As the car headed toward the hotel, she kept her gaze on the street the entire time. Robert didn't try to approach. He felt how hurt she was and respected that moment of silence.

As they entered the hotel room, Robert needed to break the silence that had formed between them.

Robert: Andy, I did wrong last night. I want to hear you. Even though my eyes clearly saw you and your ex-boyfriend kissing, my heart says it's not at all what I'm thinking. Please tell me what happened. Tell me everything I saw was a mistake.

He ran his fingers through her hair, tucking the strands behind her ear. He wanted to maintain eye contact throughout their conversation.

Andy: Okay Robert. I am deeply upset with you. You offended me and hurt me a lot. The way you treated me last night was cruel and I shouldn't even be here. I don't want to hurt myself anymore with you. But even so, even hurt, I came to tell you what happened. Without even knowing you'd seen it, I was going to tell you everything when I was here at the hotel yesterday. I wasn't going to hide it from you. I'm not the woman you think I am. I would never betray anyone. Much less you.

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