Chapter 26

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Lucas: Very well Herrera, now it's just the two of us. Sit down.

Andy sat down.

Lucas: Herrera, I've been following your work closely and I've noticed that you have a natural gift for making the right decisions during calls.

Andy: Thank you chief.

Lucas: Don't brag about it. This can be your triumph but it can also bring you down.

Andy didn't understand what the chief meant. He continued.

Lucas: You know what needs to be done and you know how to direct your team well. But a few days ago, on the call from the airport, I noticed that you acted impulsively during the shift where Gibson was acting captain. Did you work correctly? Yes, you did an excellent job. But you disrespected your captain. You didn't wait for his orders and made the decisions for yourself. And now I wonder if a leadership role won't go to your head and jeopardize an entire team in a larger calling, where I or anyone higher than you will be in charge. Will you really know how to respect hierarchies?

Andy knew she had done wrong that day and that at any moment she would be charged with doing so. She wanted to tell the truth. She wanted to say that she acted this way because of Robert, who was also the chief's best friend for many years. But she couldn't say anything but apologize.

Andy: Sorry chief. I know I did wrong and that same day I apologized to Gibson as well. I guarantee this will not happen again.

The chief accepted the apology and then began asking her the same questions as the other candidates. These were questions that involved theoretical and technical knowledge about different situations that a team of firefighters could encounter in a working day. There were also questions about the administrative part of the station and about activities that staff should do when they are not on a call.

He was being strict with Andy, more than he had been with the other candidates. He did this not because she was woman or Pruit's daughter, but because he thought she was the best candidate and because he wanted to test her in every way before he had his final decision.

For every question asked, Andy readily had an answer. It didn't take much thought. She was prepared to face any situation and that became clear during the interview. Then he rose from his chair and shook Andy's hand.

Lucas: Congratulations Herrera. You've proved to me that you're not just Pruit Herrera's daughter. You are an excellent candidate in your own right, and if you are chosen, station 19 will be in good hands. Good luck on the next steps.

Andy left satisfied with what she heard and as soon as she got in her car she called Robert to tell him how the interview went.

Robert: I was looking forward to your call. Tell me how you did.

Andy: At first the chief called my attention about the airport day, but he accepted my apology. Afterwards, I did very well in the interview and I think the chief liked my answers. I'm confident he can choose me.

Robert: I knew you would do well. I am proud of you. You were born for this job. Luke is a fair guy. He wouldn't give you false hope.

Andy: I ​​need to thank you for helping me prepare for this interview and especially for reassuring me last night. Honestly, I don't know if I would have been able to face all of this if you weren't in my life, supporting me and offering your love.

Robert: I wish I could help you even more. Since you came into my life, what I want most is to be with you, talk to you and take care of you. And you can be sure, that the day I return to Seattle, I will make up for all my absence.

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