Chapter 38

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As she was walking, Andy passed in front of Anelise's house and when she saw the two of them through the window, she was perplexed by what she was seeing. She would never have imagined that Robert would have the courage to do that.

Robert was dressed in typical German attire and was rehearsing some folk dance moves. Andy never imagined that he would agree to go up on stage wearing those outfits, as she was used to seeing him always more reserved and, even in the moments when it was just the two of them, she never saw him as lively and outgoing as he was at that night. Andy was watching Robert dance happily and so she was surprised to see how happy he was in that place and how much that party really transformed him. It was a version of Robert that she didn't know, but that she was loving getting to know.

When Robert saw Andy through the window, he smiled and beckoned her in.

Andy: You look hilarious in that outfit.

She said as she took some pictures of him.

Robert: Okay, now you're going to make jokes about it.

Andy: Of course I won't make jokes. But I confess I'm quite surprised to see you like this.

She said with a smile.

Andy: And you look handsome in that outfit. And I think it's even more beautiful that you value your family's culture, just as I value my family's Latin culture.

She then gave him a kiss which was interrupted by Anelise.

Anelise: Come on Sully. It's time for the tribute.

They all left the house and headed towards the party venue. First, Anelise said a few words to the community and then invited Robert to come up on stage and pay tribute to his grandmother. He then read a text he had written in German and English. Afterwards, he received a symbolic medal for being his grandmother's representative at that celebration.

Andy, was filming every moment and was also moved by everything she watched. She never imagined that she would live that special moment with Robert.

After the tributes, Robert returned to his own clothes and enjoyed dancing with Andy and everyone in the community.

At a certain point, a song that Robert knew well began to play. At that moment, Anelise approached and, touching Robert's shoulder, she said:

Anelise: Sully, will you dance this one with me?

Robert refused the request, because in addition to wanting to dance only with Andy, he knew very well why Anelise wanted to dance to that song. However, Anelise was insistent.

Anelise: I'm sure Andy doesn't mind a single dance.

Andy signaled to Robert that he could dance with Anelise. Before leaving, she gave him a very passionate kiss and whispered:

Andy: I ​​trust you. I'll get us some juice and wait for you at the table.

Robert then went dancing with Anelise, even though he was uncomfortable with the situation.

Anelise: Sully, I missed you. You disappeared for a long time.

Robert: I missed everyone here too.

Anelise: I'm saying I missed the two of us together, like old times. Listening to this song reminded me that this was our song.

Robert increasingly troubled, but remained silent.

Anelise: We could kill the longing, in addition to dancing. What do you think?

Outraged by what he had just heard, Robert released Anelise's arms, looked into her eyes and said:

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