Chapter 45 -Christmas special

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The next shift, Robert made the invitations to the Christmas party at his house.

As soon as he arrived, he met Captain Herrera at the entrance to the station.

Robert: Good morning, Captain Herrera.

Pruit: Good morning, Captain Sullivan.

Robert: Captain, this will be my first Christmas since returning to Seattle and, as the team will not be working that day, I am planning a small Christmas party for everyone on the 19 at my house and I would appreciate your presence.

Pruit: It's admirable what you're doing. I am grateful for the invitation and I will be there.

Robert: Thank you. Your presence is very important to me and certainly to the whole team.

Robert went to the kitchen, where everyone was already gathered having breakfast.

Robert: Good morning 19.

All: Good morning Captain.

Robert: Well, Christmas is approaching and I would like to invite you all to celebrate with me at my house.

Jack didn't like the idea and wished that no one else would agree. But contrary to what he wanted, the whole team liked the idea and they were very excited.

Vic: A team Christmas away from work is going to be really fun. Many times we celebrate right here, but this time it will be different.

Travis: We can't forget to draw the secret friend (Secret Santa).

Maya: I think Carina will also want to participate, as she won't be working that day.

Ben: My wife will also be with us.

Robert: Great guys. I'm glad you're excited.

Robert looked at Andy and noticing that she was silent, he wanted to tease her.

Robert: Lieutenant Herrera, you still haven't said anything about the party. You don't like Christmas or you just don't want to go to my house?

Andy took advantage of the question to pretend she didn't know.

Andy: I love Christmas, Captain and I appreciate the invitation to be at your house, but I need to talk to my dad first. We always celebrate Christmas together, and this being his first year recovered from cancer, I want to be there for him on Christmas Eve.

Robert: Your father has already been invited and has confirmed his presence.

Andy: Well, in that case, my presence is also confirmed.

Andy was really excited to have everyone she loves together on Christmas Eve. She started thinking about Ryan. It would be important to her that her friend was also present as well.

Andy: Captain, can I ask you something?

Robert: Of course Herrera.

Andy: I know the party is for our team, but Officer Ryan Tanner is like a brother to me and he always joins me and my dad in our celebrations. Do you mind if he's with us for Christmas too?

Dean: That's right Andy. Ryan isn't a firefighter, but he's always here with us and it's like he's part of our team too.

Robert: He will be welcome Herrera. Feel free to invite him.

After everyone confirmed their attendance, Robert said:

Robert: So, I'll send my home address to your cell phone and I'll wait for you on Christmas Eve.

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