Chapter 86

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When Robert got home, he was still processing everything he experienced that day. He was holding all his thoughts to himself and trying to be as rational as possible to help his wife. He decided the first thing to do was to contact Diane and make sure Andy got good psychological support.

Robert: Diane, forgive me for calling you so late.

Diane: Robert, I was scared to see your number calling me, because you never contacted me. Everything is fine?

Robert: I'm making contact to inform you that our daughter was born today.

Robert observed a second of silence and added:

Robert: Andy had a premature birth.

Diane: I hope everything is okay with her and the baby.

Robert: They are in good physical health, but I'm sure Andy's mental health is not good. She need's you. The doctor authorized you to see her inside Grey Sloan. I don't care how much you charge for this, but I would really like you to go there.

Diane: I can imagine how shaken she is by this premature birth. Tomorrow I will visit her at the hospital before starting my care.

Diane noticed the concern in Robert's voice and decided to challenge him.

Diane: And how are you feeling?

Robert: I'm scared that Andy will go into depression. She was afraid of being a mother and now she is experiencing motherhood completely differently than she imagined.

Diane interrupted what Robert was saying and rephrased her question:

Diane: Robert, I'm going to ask you one more time. How are you feeling?

This time, she emphasized the word "you" so that Robert would understand that he had not answered her question.

Diane: You're experiencing fatherhood in an unexpected way just as much as Andy is experiencing motherhood in an unexpected way. What are your feelings about this?

Robert then sat down on the sofa and let his emotions come to the surface. He hadn't stopped for a second to think about himself, to allow himself to feel.

He started to cry and a silence formed between them for a few seconds.

Robert: I'm trying to be strong for Andy, but I'm actually very shaken. My world was falling apart when I saw her losing blood and unconscious. I felt like I was going to lose Andy and my daughter in that ambulance. I remembered when Claire, my first wife, died next to me and I couldn't do anything to save her. Seeing Andy passed out made me feel helpless again. I couldn't handle experiencing grief again. I just asked God not to take them away from me.

Robert paused, closing his tears and finally smiling, he continued:

Robert: But when I saw my daughter for the first time and saw that Andy was okay, I felt my world fill with joy and hope again. That little baby, apparently so fragile, already makes me feel completely hostage to the love I feel for her.

Diane continued talking to Robert, allowing him to express himself. This conversation did him good and at least he managed to get some sleep that night.

The next morning, Robert woke up early and went to Grey Sloan. When he arrived at his wife's room, Andy had already woken up. He then entered and walked towards her.

Robert: Good morning my love. I came as early as possible. I didn't want to leave you alone. I thought you would still be asleep when I arrived.

Andy: I woke up a little while ago. And don't worry. It's okay for me to be a little alone.

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