Chapter 89

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The next morning, Andy woke up first as she was very anxious. She took a shower and got ready to go to the hospital. She had already prepared a bag with all the items she would need to take for the baby, but she still wanted to review everything that was inside so as not to forget anything. She also wanted to open the windows in her daughter's room to ventilate and make sure everything was clean. Robert woke up a little later and was not surprised to see that his wife was in the baby's room. He already imagined that she would be anxious and so he immediately went to support her.

Robert: Good morning my love.

Andy: Good morning. I couldn't even sleep properly. I'm thinking about everything we need to have for Jade. I think we already have everything, but I'm still worried that I've forgotten something.

Robert: Stay calm. We have everything she needs.

Andy: I chose the outfit my mom made to be the outfit she wears to come home.

Robert: You made an excellent choice. We could invite your parents to come here when she arrives. I'm sure your mother will be happy to see her granddaughter wearing the outfit she made herself.

Andy: I'll call them in a few moments and invite them to come over.

Robert: I'm going to take a shower and get ready to go to the hospital.

Andy: I'll make us breakfast while you get ready.

While Andy was making breakfast, she took the opportunity to call her parents. Elena was elated at the possibility of carrying her granddaughter for the first time. She decided that she would make a special lunch for the occasion and take it to Andy and Robert's house.

Andy and Robert went to the hospital to pick up their daughter. Some nurses were playing with the baby. Everyone was very attached to her and would miss Jade. Andy and Robert took some gifts to the hospital staff who had taken such good care of Jade and given all the support the couple needed during those days.

Once the doctor signed Jade's release from the hospital, they were finally able to go home. Robert parked the car in the garage and opened the door to help his wife get out of the car with the baby. They walked together to the front door. Before opening the door, they looked at each other happily and with a sparkle in their eyes. This was another moment that they wanted to record not only in their memories, but also in their photo albums. Then, Robert positioned his cell phone and took the family's first photo.

Robert: Welcome to our home, my daughter.

Andy: This is where you will always receive love and affection from your family.

They entered the house and introduced each space to the baby, as if she could understand what was happening. Finally, they arrived in Jade's room and for the first time placed the baby in her crib.

Andy: She's such a calm baby. It's sweet to see her sleep in her crib.

Robert: Yes. She's a really good girl. I hope she continues like this throughout the night.

Andy: I would love to think that we will be able to sleep, but the truth is that our nights of sleep are over.

Robert: And speaking of sleep, you should get some rest. Later your parents will arrive and then you won't be able to rest. I'll take care of Jade while you rest.

Andy: I'm not sleepy. I just want to admire our daughter.

The couple decided to stay in the baby's room for some time, observing their daughter's adaptation to the new environment. They took care to maintain lighting, temperature and noise in accordance with pediatric guidance and this helped the baby to sleep well at that first moment.

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