Chapter 64

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Early Sunday morning, Andy and Robert picked Pruit up from his residence to take him to the airport. He was anxious and was already waiting for them at the gate.

When they arrived at the airport, Andy hugged her dad tightly and recommended that he call every day with the news of his trip. Andy had also packed some presents for Pruit to deliver to her uncles, aunts and cousins.

Once Pruit was on board, the couple went home to rest.

On Monday, they woke up early for their first day in their new jobs. Since there were no more secrets, they wanted to go together, even if each one was going to work in a different place. So Robert dropped Andy off at the station and headed for the department.

Andy was beaming with joy. This was her first day as captain and she wanted it to be an unforgettable day.

As soon as she arrived, the team was already in the kitchen waiting for her with a special breakfast.

All: Welcome Captain Herrera.

Andy thanked her friends for their affection and hugged each one of them.

Vic and Travis had curious looks on their faces and were nudging each other to see if it was time to start asking questions about Andy's marriage. Andy noticed the movements of her friends and started to laugh.

Andy: I know you two have been wanting to ask me questions... come on. What do you want to know?

The team was so curious that several questions soon arose.

Vic: When did you and Chief Sullivan stop fighting and start dating?

Travis: Tell me all the details of the wedding day.

Dean: Is Chief Sullivan at home boring and straight like he is here at the station or is he as lively and fun as he was at the wedding party?

Maya: I want the details of your intimacy. When was the first sex and who took the initiative. Come on Andy, tell us everything.

As the staff asked so many questions, Jack got up and walked out of the kitchen. Andy felt uncomfortable about losing Jack's friendship. He didn't act right at her home, but that didn't mean Andy stopped caring about him. So, before answering her friends' questions, she felt that she had something more urgent to do.

Andy: I'm going to answer your questions, but first I have something to do.

Andy got up and followed Jack. She knew him very well and knew that when he's like this, he goes to the parking lot to clean the truck. And, as she imagined, he was there.

Andy: Jack, can we talk?

Jack: I know you're going to scold me for ruining your party. I'm sorry Andy for what I did, I'm sorry. But I don't want to fight with you either. So I want to be alone.

Andy: Your apology is enough for me. And contrary to what you said, I didn't come to fight. I came to talk.

Andy took a deep breath and continued.

Andy: Jack, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings and made you jealous by inviting you to our party. I have a very big affection for you. I wish all the important people in my life were with us and you are one of them. You will always be an important person in my life. But I understand what you must have felt.

Jack: I was really jealous. I wasn't prepared to confirm what I always suspected. I didn't want to believe that between you there was something. But my jealousy didn't give me the right to do what I did.

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