Chapter 31

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When Andy got home, Pruit was in the kitchen and he saw her right away.

Pruit: Glad you made it, hija. I spend so much time alone in this house that I miss having someone to talk to.

Andy kissed her father and sat down next to him to eat breakfast.

Andy: You can visit us at the station more often like you did yesterday. I believe Captain Sullivan will not mind.

Pruit: I will. Captain Sullivan is a very kind and polite man. We talked a lot yesterday and I am very happy with your arrival on the team.

Andy liked what she heard her father say.

Pruit: Did you know he's an orphan?

Andy pretended not to know anything.

Andy: I ​​don't know him well papi. We just talked about work matters.

Pruit: He told me that his parents died when he was very young. I'm surprised how he became such a principled man, even without having his parents around to teach him good values.

Pruit continued talking.

Pruit: You needed to see the affection he has for his girlfriend. He spoke of her in a very beautiful way. There is no doubt that she loves her very much. I hope you find a boyfriend as good as Sullivan seems to be for his girlfriend.

Andy was taking a sip of coffee and gasped at what her father had just said. She wondered what Robert would have said. Still choking, she started coughing.

Pruit: Is everything okay?

Andy: I ​​just choked.

Pruit, seeing that nothing much had happened to her daughter, continued talking about some of Robert's qualities, while Andy still remained silent.

Pruit: As I was saying, you need to think about building your own hija family. Try to find a good man like Sullivan. It's okay that you and Jack didn't work out, but there must be other guys interested in you.

Andy couldn't think of a way to continue that conversation with her father. On the one hand, she was enjoying the fact that her father liked Robert and knew it would be good for when they could reveal their secret romance. But on the other hand, they needed to be convincing that there wasn't a good relationship between them, to ensure that no one suspected the love they felt for each other.

Andy: I ​​have other priorities. My family is you and 19. My focus is on my career. And about Captain Sullivan, I really can't say anything. He's just my captain.

Pruit: He's a good person and I'm sure he'll keep 19 together as a family.

Andy: We hope so, papi. Well, I need to go to my room and rest. The last shift was exhausting.

Andy felt she needed to end this conversation before she said something that would compromise their secret. Then she got up and went to her room.

Andy rested in the morning, and when she woke up, it was lunch time. She and her father prepared the meal and had lunch together. Then she went to get ready to meet with Robert as they were going to visit some properties that were for sale.

Then, in the afternoon of that same day, they met. Robert picked up Andy in a square where they had agreed and together they went to see the properties.

While in the car, they talked about it.

Robert: I have a friend who is a realtor. He lent me keys to 3 places for us to visit.

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