Chapter 35

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Before Andy said any reply to the man, she felt Robert take her hand.

Robert: Please leave. She is accompanied.

Man: I'm sorry. Her friend told me...

Robert interrupted him.

Robert: It doesn't matter what her friend said. I'm saying she's accompanied.

Maya and Vic watched what was happening in amazement, while Andy was trying to think of how to act, as he didn't know if Robert was really owning what was between them or if he was just acting to get her out of that situation.

The man who tried to flirt with Andy withdrew, but Robert was still angry about the situation. So he held Andy's hands and led her to his table.

From his table, Ryan continued to observe everything that happened and that was already bothering the woman who accompanied him.

Woman: Ryan, I'm talking to you and you don't seem to hear me.

Ryan: I'm sorry. I just...

Woman: You can't stop looking at those women at the counter. Do you think I didn't notice?

Ryan: Oh no... I'm sorry. I wasn't looking at them. I was just curious to know what's going on there.

Then the woman accompanying him also noticed that something strange was happening. But to avoid becoming uncomfortable with her, Ryan tried to give her more attention. However, his mind was still on Andy. He kept thinking about everything he was seeing. He knew that Andy had a mystery boyfriend in another city, but he wondered if it was this same man who had come out holding hands or if Andy was in a new relationship with someone from Seattle and she hadn't told him.

At that same moment, as she walked to the table holding hands with Robert, Andy whispered:

Andy: What are you doing? The chief is watching everything.

Robert: Don't worry because I'll explain to Luke.

Lucas was seeing the situation and wasn't understanding anything that happened. When they reached the table, where Lucas was, Robert said:

Robert: I had to take Lieutenant Herrera out of a freeloader. She was refusing the drink he offered her and the man insisted on approaching her. So we are pretending that she is accompanied by me and therefore she will be at our table.

Still finding it all strange, Lucas just nodded.

Luke: All right. Sit down with us Herrera.

Andy: Thank you Chief.

Lucas: You don't have to call me chief here. We're in a bar and we can have less Herrera formalities.

Andy: All right, as long as you call me Andy then.

Andy sat down next to Robert. They didn't notice, but they still held hands.

Lucas: I believe the man has already understood that she is accompanied. You don't have to hold hands all the time.

Andy and Robert looked at each other and let go of hands.

At the table, the three started talking and Andy got to know another side of her chief. A more lively and fun side. The three of them were telling stories and laughing a lot, which was making Maya and Vic feel awkward, who were at the counter, looking at their table.

Vic: Are you understanding what's going on?

Maya: I don't understand anything.

Vic: These two fight all day and now they seem to be such good friends. To be honest, I would even say more than friends.

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