Chapter 23

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Andy's doorbell rang, and since she was showering, Ryan answered it.

Delivery man: Flowers for Andrea Herrera.

Ryan received the flowers. It was a bouquet of red roses with a card inside an envelope. Ryan wondered who had sent those flowers to Andy.
Andy got out of the shower and went into the kitchen to meet Ryan.

Andy: I ​​heard the doorbell ring. Who was?
Ryan: You got flowers.

Andy picked up the roses and quickly read the card.

“My love, may these roses remind you that I love you and how much I would like to be by your side right now. Especially, as today is your first day as captain, don't forget that I'm rooting for you and I know you're prepared and will do your job with excellence. Forever yours, Robert.”
Robert knew Pruit was still in the hospital and figured Andy would be home alone to receive the flowers. For that reason, he didn't bother to send them.
Andy was very happy with the roses and the message, but she tried to hide it. Obviously Ryan noticed the smile on her face and the sparkle in her eyes. She was in love and there was no way she could deny it to him.

Ryan: So you're with someone?

Andy was silent, wondering how to tell Ryan what was still a secret. She always told Ryan everything. He was the person who knew the most in her life. This was the first secret between them and she still couldn't reveal it. Not without talking to her father first.

Ryan: Andy, you look very different. You traveled to Brazil and didn't say anything to me. You're clearly in love with someone and you're not going to tell me. I thought there were no secrets between us. I always told you everything.

Ryan's voice had an edge of hurt and betrayal. Not betrayal as a couple, but betrayal of the friendship of a lifetime. Ever since they were kids, he and Andy had always shared absolutely everything that happened in their lives.

Ryan: When I started dating in San Diego, I sent you pictures of the girl and confided everything to you. When I broke up with her, you were the first person I wanted to talk to. And now you have secrets from me.
Andy: Ryan, it's a little complicated...
Ryan: You're not really going to tell me, are you? I'm leaving. Your coffee is on the table.

Ryan stormed out. Andy thought about following him and trying to defuse the situation, but she didn't have time. She needed to get to work immediately or she would be late for her first day as acting captain. So she quickly drank her coffee, put Robert's card in her purse, and hurriedly left for the station.
Andy managed to get to the station a few minutes before shift started.
Sitting in the chair that belonged to her father, she saw a picture frame. In the photo was her as a child, dressed in her father's uniform. She remembered that day perfectly. Pruit had said, “One day hija, this chair will be yours. I will retire and you will be captain of 19. On that day, we will have a big party celebrating my retirement and your promotion.”
Looking at the portrait, tears welled up on Andy's face. She never imagined that her father wouldn't be present the day she became captain. She never thought he would retire in a hospital bed.
She was still looking at the photo when she heard her phone ring. It was Robert on a video call. She dried her tears and answered him.

Andy: Hi my love. Good to see you a little before shift starts.
Robert: I want to wish you a good first day as captain.
Andy: Thank you. Thank you for the roses and the card. You always surprise me with your outpouring of love and it made my day better.
Robert: Glad you liked it. But you look sad.
Andy: I ​​just wish my dad was here today, seeing me as a captain. And to think that he's not here because he's in a hospital bed made me feel a little sad. But I'm a little better now that I'm seeing you.
Robert: I'm sorry he's in this situation, but I have faith that he will soon recover from cancer.

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